Proposal: Xenonite refinery [Trivial]
I really like the proposal Foiled Again; this is just a detail thing that was bugging me.
Assuming Foiled Again passes, make the following adjustments to rule: Xenonite
Where it says "A Hero with six pieces of Xenonite" amend it to read, "A Hero with at least six pieces of Xenonite"
Add the following to the end of the rule:
Now, for the controversial part:
Also, should this proposal be enacted, any hero who has successfully resolved one or more emergencies (or equivalent) should receive one piece of Xenonite for each one he or she resolved.
(1) The number of Xenonite in people's possession is just a clarification, and is intended to make it less confusing. I can easily cut either the limit or the change to the sentence above, or leave both of them in.
(2) When it comes to the exchange aspect of it, I wanted to encourage cooperation and negotiation, but keep it so we can't just have six people get together and decide who the next super-villain should be.
(3) The most controversial aspect is sure to be rewarding past winners. I want to reward them for their creativity in the past, and I think it's reasonably fair, but I expect argument.
Comments, please, especially about the last point!
Passed 13 to 1 by Brendan at 9:16 pm GMT on 3.4.2004. The GNDT now has a Xenonite field; Cayvie, Satyr Eyes, Joranj, Orkboi, and Damanor all now have 1 piece of Xenonite (except for Satyr Eyes, who has 2).
Assuming Foiled Again passes, make the following adjustments to rule: Xenonite
Where it says "A Hero with six pieces of Xenonite" amend it to read, "A Hero with at least six pieces of Xenonite"
Add the following to the end of the rule:
Because of the unstable nature of Xenonite, anyone who notices that any hero has more than six pieces of Xenonite in his or her inventory can reduce that number to six. Any hero may voluntarily give Xenonite to any other hero except the Super Villain, who cannot possess Xenonite at any time, in spite of any rule or superpower allowing the exchange, purchase, or theft of Xenonite. If a hero gives Xenonite to another hero, it cannot result in either hero having more than five pieces in his or her possession; any Xenonite beyond that is considered gone.
Now, for the controversial part:
Also, should this proposal be enacted, any hero who has successfully resolved one or more emergencies (or equivalent) should receive one piece of Xenonite for each one he or she resolved.
(1) The number of Xenonite in people's possession is just a clarification, and is intended to make it less confusing. I can easily cut either the limit or the change to the sentence above, or leave both of them in.
(2) When it comes to the exchange aspect of it, I wanted to encourage cooperation and negotiation, but keep it so we can't just have six people get together and decide who the next super-villain should be.
(3) The most controversial aspect is sure to be rewarding past winners. I want to reward them for their creativity in the past, and I think it's reasonably fair, but I expect argument.
Comments, please, especially about the last point!

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