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Saturday, April 30, 2005

Proposal: Medikit Upgrade

Reword the portion of the Beta Group paragraph in rule 17, which currently reads
By spending 2 Action Points a Beta Group member can use eir medikit to change the Vitality of a Crewmember in the same Location from Stunned to Healthy or increase that Crewmember's Logic by 5 points if it is below 10.
to read
By spending Action Points a Beta Group member can use eir medikit to do one of the following to a Crewmember in the same Location:
  • increase eir Vitality by one grade (i.e. from Wounded to Stunned (which takes six APs - i.e. most likely two days), or from Stunned to Healthy);
  • reduce eir Vitality from Healthy to Stunned (which takes 1 AP, and requires a post to the blog detailing eir reason for this action);
  • increase eir Logic by 5 points if it is below 10.
These actions takes two APs unless otherwise noted.

Self-Kill. Failed by Chronos at 05/03/2005 GMT 17:12

>Power Check

Howard, I'm in the Holodeck and while it is a very nice empty space right now, I was wondering if you would be able to power up the Holodeck Control Console? I think it works like this but if your memory is different, I would be happy to be corrected.

Holodeck Control Console [Holodeck] A plain looking console with many buttons on it, this is the only device visible when the holodeck is off. It is used to run the many different holographic simulations that are available on the Caine Holodeck. If a crewmember is pushing the console buttons e may run any of these simulations by posting to the front page with the title "Run Holoprogram #" where # is one of the following:

Non-Euclidean De-sensitization Routine: Any crewmember who resets their AP's in the Holodeck while this routine is running may set their UCSRS [5] to "E". Any crewmember with a UCSRS [5] of "E" is unaffected by the mind warping effects on viewing non-Euclidean space.

Logical Empowerment Routine: Any crewmember who resets their AP's in the Holodeck while this routine is running may set er UCSRS [5] to "L". Any crewmember with a UCSRS [5] of "L" makes all logic checks as if er logic is 10 points higher than its recorded value in the GNDT.

Rest Cure Routine: Any crewmember who with a logic less than 0 resets er AP's in the Holodeck while this routine is running may either add 10 to er Logic rating or set er logic rating to 0, whichever is the smaller change. If the changes are of equal size, e may do either.

Homeostatic Training Routine: Any crewmember who resets er AP's in the Holodeck while this routine is running may set er UCSRS [5] to "H". Anyone with a UCSRS [5] of "H" is unaffected by exposure to the vacuum of space.

Any person who uses the Holodeck to alter er UCSRS [5] must return er UCSRS [5] to X the next time er AP's are reset.

There may be other Holodeck routines. They can be activated through a "Power Check".

Request for comment

I have saved a draft proposal titled "The Elevator's can't be that slow". Anyone who has a chance to look at it, I would really appreciate comments or suggested changes before I propose it formally.

Proposal: Logical Resting

4th pending Proposal allowed by the LDB/Officership

In Rule 18 - Action Points, change:

A Crewmember reseting eir Action Points when in the Crew Dorms is considered to have rested the night and receives 1 extra Action Point for doing so.


A Crewmember reseting eir Action Points when in the Crew Dorms is considered to have rested the night and receives 1 extra Action Point for doing so. If a Crewmember who has just rested the night has less than 15 Logic, e may increase eir Logic score by 2 points.

7-5. Timed Out. Enacted by Chronos at 05/02/2005 GMT 14:38

Proposal: Officer Override

Third pending Proposal allowed by Officership

To rule 14 - Vocal Folds add:

If an Officer of any group has just done eir daily reset of Action Points, e may spend all eir available Action Point in order to be allowed to Override a Command. E must signal that Override by applying the veto Icon to the comments of the post of the Command e is Overriding. An Overriden Command has no effects and is considered to already have been processed by the Computer.

1-10. Timed out. Failed by Chronos at 05/02/2005 GMT 14:37

Proposal: Clearer Commands

To rule 14 - Vocal Folds add:

If a Command allows the Computer to alter the Ruleset or the Gamestate in any manner, the Computer can only do so after announcing, in the main page, the altering. This announce is done by marking the post with the command as if it were an enacted Proposal, as specified in Rule 5 - Enactment. Within that marking, the Computer must also include an abstract, in italic type, of the alterations to be made.

12-1. Timed Out. Enacted by Chronos at 05/02/2005 GMT 14:35

Friday, April 29, 2005


Howard, turn on all corridor lights now.
OK, I give up. How am I really supposed to post this? Reply to a query so far behind A.G. will never notice?

> Power Check

Interdimensional Transporter

(I have no idea how it appeared either, but it says the computer can change it)
Teleports the ship to Euclidean Space.

PLEASE, could you make sure it really exists before changing this, Angry Grasshopper?

Edited to read "Power Check" rather than "Power On"

Proposal: Lotsa Stuff.

First Point
Add to the end of rule 26, "Uniforms", in a new paragraph.
A Criminal is never a subordinate or an officer.

Second Point
Modify Law #5 in rule 25, "Ship's Protocol" from

Law #5: No Crewmeber may cause a Crewmember or the Computer to have Space Madness.


Law #5: No Crewmember may cause the Computer or a Crewmember other than emself to have Space Madness.

Third Point
Gobleteer no longer wishes to become an admin now that he's found out only the last proposal gets passed. Sorry, folks!

Fourth Point - UNRELATED
OK, this doesn't have anything to do with anything, but I'd just like to say it. In the same post, because I'm lazy. :) The reason I left before was that people seemed to worry more about format than content of rules. This was in Cayvie's dynasty, where passing rules gained points, so maybe it was fine, I don't know. This seems a lot better now.

Aside: My CfJ was where I decided it hadn't changed as much as I thought...
And why are "judgement" and "judgment" both in the rules? That was why I titled it so, I didn't want to void it... guess that didn't work.

And maybe people like it.
Heck, I'd personally let them edit it and put a marker in the comments box voiding old votes - but I can see why there'd be objections to this. But seriously, I think we should have some place to post rules to be reviewed beforehand by others to see what objections they would have to the wording, so this isn't a problem. It's hard to check yourself, because you usually see your own meaning.

3-9. Timed out. Failed by Chronos at 05/02/2005 GMT 14:34

Notice: New Mechanics

I've just enacted my Spivak and Officer Makeover proposals. Officer Makeover changes a lot how orders are issued, please pay attention, all Officers on the Caine.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Proposal: Bounty hunter

In rule 25 change:
Criminals must be escorted to the Cell by a member of the Epsilon group. After 48 hours, if a member of the Epsilon Group has not escorted a Criminal to the Cell, any crewmember may do so by use of the Teleport Chamber or any other means available to them.
Criminals must be escorted to the Cell by a member of the Epsilon group. After 48 hours, if a member of the Epsilon Group has not escorted a Criminal to the Cell, any crewmember may do so by use of the Teleport Chamber or any other means available to them. When a Criminal is moved to the Cell by another Crewmember the Crewmember that moved the Criminal has 10 added to eir Logic score.

This is the first in a series of propsals that make crewmembers do something other than flip the switches of eir group's training device.

4-12. Cannot be enacted without COV. Failed by Chronos at 05/02/2005 GMT 14:33

Proposal: Better evaluation

Using the LDB to normalize evaluation.

In rule 27 – Orders, change:

Once per week, an Officer may be reviewed by their Subordinates. Either the Officer or any of their Subordinates may begin the Performance Evaluation by posting to the blog with the format "[Service Group] Evaluate: [Officer Name]". Each Subordinate may respond once, including a FOR, AGAINST, or DEFERENTIAL vote. Each FOR vote increases the Officer's Grade by 1, each AGAINST vote decreases it by 1, and DEFERENTIAL votes have no effect.

If the officer in question loses sufficient grades that e is no longer an officer, and there are no other officers in the same Service Group, then a new Officer shall be chosen at random from amongst the members of the service group by any Admin staff not in that group, excluding the just-demoted officer.


Once per week, an Officer may be reviewed by their Subordinates. Either the Officer or any of their Subordinates may begin the Performance Evaluation by posting to the blog with the format "[Service Group] Evaluate: [Officer Name]". Each Subordinate may respond once, including a FOR, AGAINST, or DEFERENTIAL vote.

The evaluation must be tallied 48 hours after its posting, or when all subordinates have voted, whatever happens first. When tallying, each FOR vote increases the Officer's grade by 1, each AGAINST vote decreases it by 1, and DEFERENTIAL votes have no effect. After the tallying, any Crewmember in the same Group as the evaluated Officer who failed to vote on the evaluation may be downgraded by 2 levels. Any Crewmember in the same group as the Officer being evaluated may apply the grade changes to the GNDT.

If an Officer loses sufficient grades in eir evaluation that e ceases to be an Officer, and there are no other Officers in the same Service Group, then the most graded non-Officer Member of that group, excluding the just-demoted Officer, shall be promoted to Officer, with Grade 0. If there are more than one Crewmembers tied as the most graded in the Group, then any Crewmember may choose between them by rolling a DICEX, where X is the number of tied Crewmembers and promote the DICEXth tied Crewmember, in the same order they appear in the GNDT.

4-6. Timed out. Failed by Chronos at 05/02/2005 GMT 14:32

Proposal: Delta Upgrade

Change the Delta Service Group description in the Rule 17 - Service Groups to:
The Delta Group consists of machine repairmen, mechanics, and engineers. By spending 3 Action Points a member of the Delta Group may repair any damaged piece of Machinery causing it to cease to be damaged by posting a blog entry to that effect, or repair a Service Robot by increasing its Daily Points by 1 (to a maximum of 5 DP). A Delta Service Group member may perform the "Lock" Action.

In Rule 11 - Buttons, Levers, inter alia:
  • Change "three type of mechanisms" to "four types of mechanisms"
  • Change "Flipping" to "Flip" (also change this in the GNDT menu)
  • Add "Lock" to the GNDT menu and add this text to the end of this Rule:
An Action of "Lock" may only be performed by a Crewmember of the Delta Service Group. While this Action is being done Machinery at that Location does not respond to other Actions.
[Flipping versus Flip is a minor thing I wanted to make consistent. We use "[Action]-ing" as the same Action throughout the ruleset, so it shouldn't matter.]

14-0. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 05/02/2005 GMT 14:21

Proposal: Call for Oblivion

[I had a suspicion there were unresolved Calls for Judgment and I did find one (from this dynasty).

A forgotten CfJ could potentially make some unexpected changes later in the game - completely legally.]

Add to Rule 6 -- Call for Judgment:
If a Call for Judgment has not been Enacted after 10 days have elapsed since the posting date it Expires and automatically Fails.

Self-Killed. Failed by Chronos at 05/02/2005 GMT 14:20

A quite possibly silly question

As anyone who has been tracking the damage I have succeeded in causing in the last 20 minutes may have guessed, I am having trouble functioning today. However, when I was going through the ruleset I noticed some changes for which I can't find any related posts (no post since the start of this dynasty has the word "transporter" in it). Particularly the stuff about the interdimentional transporter in rule 16. I can't tell whether this is an in-game action in which case I should Query Howard about it, or an out of game action in which case a CfJ might be appropriate. Any insight would be appreciated; I don't think I can look much more stupid after your answer than I do right now...

Please fill in the ovals completely using a #2 pencil

The Orders rule doesn't specify who does the Officer's Grade adjustments during Evaluations, so I think anyone is free to do so (as long as the effect is only applied once). I processed my own vote and I encourage others to do the same. Also, Quazie just got demoted and I'd appreciate it if a non-gamma Admin would find a replacement.

Gamma Evaluate: Quazie

I don't think that there is anything else to say.

Beta Evaluate: Aaron

I would just like to point out that there is not a single Stunned, Wounded, or Dead Crewmember on this ship. Quazie and Gobleteer are the only two Crewmembers who have logic ratings below 10 ... but they're not important anyway.

I am sure that at least two out of three of you non-me-people in Beta Service Group are wondering why I haven't ordered you to do anything and, consequently, have not awarded any of you with higher rankings. Well, I want all three of you to know that you are all equally valuable in my eyes. You are all equally free to move about as you please and heal others if you wish to or not. I know that Beta Service Group is the best, and, as it stands, we are the most independent and decentralized group. If there were ever a provision that made cross Service Group rank relevant, you can bet that I would ask from each of you the best and give each of you your due, but, as it is, I am happy to say that each of you are equally free and I have no intention of ordering any of you around for meaningless titles when you can spend your own action points as you please.

Furthermore, if you have any input and want to see any changes in policy or procedure for Beta Service Group, then please let me know.

So, keeping those things in mind, please rate my performance as your commanding officer.


>Query Howard, Can you detect any life forms out side of the Caine?

>Power Check

Howard, please activate the Air Lock in the Escape Pod which I believe has the following effects.

"If any crewmember is pushing the buttons on the Air Lock, then no one may enter or leave the Escape Pod.

If no crewmembers were pushing the buttons on the Air Lock within 24 hours of the Jettison Thrusters being used, then the Air Lock does not close and all crewmembers on Deck 4 are sucked out of the Caine into space and die and have thier Location set to -. The Caine then goes into Red Alert until the Air Lock is closed. Unless otherwise noted, if the Air Lock is not closed and the Jettison Thrusters have been used, if a crewmember ends up on Deck 4 they are sucked out of the caine into space and die and thier location is set to -."

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Howard, since you've been asking the crew to initiate Diagonstic Scans on themselves quite a lot, I'd like to ask you: when was the last time you ran a diagnostic scan on yourself?

Proposal: Logical Logic

Add a rule, Logic Tests:

A Crewmember may have eir logic tested in order to perform some actions or as the result of actions performed by em or another Crewmember.

Logic tests have a Target Number, as specified by the rule mandating them. If a rule fails to specify a target number, them the current Logic score of the Crewmember shall be used as the Target Number.

A Logic Test is done by rolling a DICEX, where X is the Target Number.

If the result of the DICEX is equal to or greater than the Crewmember current Logic Score, the Test is failed. Otherwise, if the result of the DICEX is lower than the Crewmember current Logic Score, the Test is passed.

A Logic Test where the Target Number is lower than the Crewmember current Logic Score passes automatically, without rolling any DICE.

If this passes, we can alter the instances tests are done in the Ruleset so they are done in an uniform manner.

Tick Passed 15-0 (Reached Quorum). Enacted by Smith, 1st of May at 04:15.

Proposal: Grade Hath Its Priveleges

Some people have more power than others.

Create a rule, Voting on the Caine, with the text

For the purposes of Rule 4 -- Voting, crewmembers' votes are not all equal. Each crewmember has a Voting Power according to the following scheme:

Type of crewmemberVoting Power
Non-officers equal to eir Grade, or 1, whichever is higher
Officers equal to eir Grade + 10
Officers with Gold Star 20
Officers with Galactic Spiral 20, and may Veto proposals in the same manner as the Computer
Computer 0
Space Mad crewmembers 0

Quorum is changed to the total Voting Power, divided by two rounding down, plus one. When a crewmember posts a vote on the blog, e must indicate eir voting power in the text of the comment or the vote is void, and the proposer of a proposal must indicate eir Voting Power either in the text of the proposal or in a comment. Each crewmember's vote is counted as a number of votes equal to eir voting power when deciding if a proposal passes or fails. For instance, if Able votes for a proposal with a Voting Power of 10, Bob votes against with a Voting Power of 2, and Charlie votes against with a Voting Power of 7, the proposal is enacted.

Note that while the computer has no intrinsic votes it still controls IMPERIAL votes, and that if a crewmember's Voting Power changes after e votes on a proposal, there is no affect on that proposal.

It should be possible to calculate Quorum automatically and have it posted to the blog in the same way as it currently is by parsing the data in the GNDT with a couple of lines of code. If this is not possible, and this would be hard to administer otherwise, Kevan may auto-fail this proposal by posting a comment containing the Veto icon.

Cross Self-Failed. Failed by Smith, 1st of May at 04:09.

> Power Check

Howard, please activate the Emergency Survival Recycler in the Escape Pod, which I believe has the following effects:

While a Crewmember is Pushing the Buttons on the Emergency Survival Recycler the Vitality loss caused by running out of supplies after Jettison is delayed by an additional 6 days for each Dead Crewmember in the Escape Pod.

Proposal: Officer Makeover

To Rule 26 - Uniforms add:

An Officer may have up to three Proposals pending. (Any extra Proposals remain legal if the proposer stops being an Officer.)

Rewrite the Laser Display Board description in Rule 16 - Machinery so it reads:

Laser Display Board [Briefing Room] - An non-Officer Crewmember Pushing the Buttons on the Laser Display Board may have up to three Proposals pending. An Officer Crewmember Pushing the Buttons on the Laser Display Board may have up to four Proposals pending. (Any extra Proposals remain legal if the proposer stops using the Laser Display Board.)

To Rule 18 - Action Points add:

A non-Officer Crewmember reseting eir Action Points when in the same Location as an Officer of eir group is considered to have had a morale boost and receives 1 extra Action Point for doing so.

In Rule 27 - Orders, change:

By spending an Action Point an Officer may issue an Order to a Subordinate. This is done by posting a comment to the GNDT of the format "***ORDER [Subordinate Name]: [Order Action]"


Once a day, an Officer may issue Orders to any number eir Subordinates. If an Officer performs any other GNDT action after issuing an order, e is considered to be done with eir orders for the current day, and may not issue any more orders in that day.

An order is issued by posting comments to the GNDT in the format "***ORDER [Subordinate Name]: [Order Action]". An Officer may only issue Orders to Subordinates in the same Location as em.

7-3. Timed Out. Enacted by Chronos at 04/29/2005 GMT 17:49

Alpha Evaluate: Chronos

Please vote on me... ;)

Proposal: Spivak

Add to 1 - Ruleset and Gamestate, after its second paragraph:

Spivak pronouns, as defined in the Glossary, shall be used throughout the Ruleset, whenever a Cremember is referred.

Add to the Glossary:

* The Spivak pronouns used in Blognomic are: Subject case: “e”; Object case: “em”, Possessive Adjective case: “eir”, Possessive Pronoun case: “eirs”, Reflexive case: “emself”.

Whenever this is enacted, the admins may, at their leisure, correct any pronoun used in the Ruleset.

9-5. Timed Out. Enacted by Chronos at 04/29/2005 GMT 17:47

Training Devices?

I have a question about the Promotion Test.

The rule says, "Promotion test: DiceY?" where Y = 5 + eir logic/10, rounding down. If this is strictly greater than their grade, they may add one to their grade..."

Does this mean Y = ( 5 + logic) / 10, which would result in promotions being nearly impossible? Or does it mean Y = 5 + (logic/10), which is far more attainable?

Delta Evaluate: Cayvie

As per rule 27:

Once per week, an Officer may be reviewed by their Subordinates. Either the Officer or any of their Subordinates may begin the Performance Evaluation by posting to the blog with the format "[Service Group] Evaluate: [Officer Name]".

Proposal: This title has no relation to the proposal.

Add the following text to the end of rule 25:
  • Law #4: No Crewmember may damage a piece of Machinery , a robot or any other part of the Caine.
  • Law #5: No Crewmeber may cause a Crewmember or the Computer to have Space Madness.

14-0. Reached Quorum/Timed Out. Enacted by Chronos at 04/29/2005 GMT 17:45

Service Robot R002 to the Bridge

More robots for everyone!

Cfj: Euclidean vs Non-Euclidean Space

Call for Judgement

There are currently 3 references in the rules to Euclidean and Non-Euclidean space, all of which are given below as evidence.

Rule 16 - Machinery
Opacity Control Device [Viewing Bay] If any Crewmember is Pulling the Levers on the Opacity Control Device, then all Crewmembers in the Viewing Bay when the Levers are Pulled lose DICE60 Logic from their Logic score as their minds are warped by the sight of non-Euclidean space. Any Crewmember that changes location into the Viewing Bay while another Crewmember is Pulling the Levers on the Opacity Control Device loses DICE60 points from their Logic score.

Rule 24 - Change the Light Bulb
The Caine is currently in Blue Alert Mode, due to its inability to return to Euclidean Space.

Rule 28 - Victory
The Crewmember that causes the Caine to leave non-Euclidean space without damaging the Caine may declare victory.

Notice that nowhere in the rules is there a clear definition of Euclidean and Non-Euclidean space, therefore I must assume that these definitions are the same as those of the real world.
I also provide as evidence the field equations of General Relativity, the most widely accepted theory of gravity in modern physics.

Please note that in any space containing matter the field equations clearly do not allow a non-zero curvature tensor, and hence a flat, or "Euclidean" spacetime.

Therefor, all space is Non-Euclidean and it is impossible to return the Caine to Euclidean space.

If this Cfj passes, I recommend the following changes to the Rules:

Rule 28 - Victory is now meaningless and must be repealed.
The text ", due to its inability to return to Euclidean Space" shall be removed from Rule 24 - Change the Light Bulb.
The text "by the sight of non-Euclidean space" in Rule 16 - Machinery shall be amended to "by the sight of the infinity of space".
Cross Failed 14-1. Failed by smith, 25th of May at 9:17.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Proposal: Either e's alive or...

I think this will fix the problem Kevan noticed in the message where he announced my arrival. Please pardon any mistakes, this is my first proposal.

Change the section of rule 21 that reads:

Crewmembers begin with the UCSRS XXX-XXX.


Crewmembers begin with the UCSRS XXX-XXH.

and change the section

[6] contains the initial letter of a Crewmember's vitality state (i.e. either of H, S, W, or D).

UCSRS[6] contains the initial letter of a Crewmember's vitality state (i.e. either of H, S, W, or D). If a Crewmember's UCSRS[6] s-code is X, e may change it to H at any time.

The second change may not be necessary if the UCSRS tracks statuses as opposed to defining them, however, since the rules do not actually state that all crew members start healthy, in order for me to change my UCSRS I still think I need some rule change or clarification.
Tick Passed 14-0 (Reached Quorum). Enacted by Smith, 29th of April at 00:44.

CfJ: Unapproved Proposals

Um... this is in fact Gobleteer. I have no objection either way on this, as my proposal is obviously going to fail anyway. But I think this would be good to know for the future.

1. A proposal is not passed/failed[/enacted] until it is officially approved by an admin.

2. It is.

I actually am myself in favor of the first, but I don't think the rules read so currently. More importantly, my proposals sat around for far longer than needed - the two self-failed ones still haven't been marked.
My solution if the first is chosen - I'll wait and try to become an admin so I don't have to be patient.

Cross Failed 0-6. Failed by smith, 25th of May at 9:15.

New Crewmember: TAE

A newly-thawed Crewmember is beamed out of storage and into the Briefing Room, a few ice crystals melting into the carpet tiles. Welcome to the Caine.

(Although shouldn't "Crewmembers begin with the UCSRS XXX-XXX." really say "XXX-XXH", in Rule 21?)


>QUERY Howard, you said the only way to turn you off was to destroy the Caine. How would one go about destroying the Caine without leaving the Caine itself? I know there must be a self destruct button or a sequence of actions that can be done at the power core that would cause it to overload.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Proposal: Beta drugs

Using the LDB.

In rule 16 – Machinery, change

Nanotechnological Drug Synthesizer [Sickbay, Crew Dorms] A Crewmember who is Turning the Knobs here may create a drug described in the Ruleset by stating the desired one in the GNDT comments field. Drugs may be consumed in the place they are created and are desintegrated if the Crewmember who created it moves elsewhere.


Nanotechnological Drug Synthesizer [Sickbay, Crew Dorms] A Crewmember who is Turning the Knobs here may create a drug described in the Ruleset by stating the desired one in the GNDT comments field.

In rule 20 – Wonder Drugs, change:

A Crewmember may only minister a drug in another one if another rule in the Ruleset allows e so.


A Crewmember may only consume a drug or minister it in another one if the Ruleset allows e so. Consuming or ministering a drug is considered the same to using it.

To the same rule, add:

Drugs may be consumed by the Crewmember that created them in the place they are created and are desintegrated if that Crewmember moves elsewhere, unless that Crewmember is member of Beta Group.

A member of Beta Group is considered to be carrying any drugs e has created and not used since the last time e reset eir AP’s. Any drugs carried by a member of Beta Group are disintegrated when that Crewmember reset eir AP’s.

A member of Beta Group may minister a drug e is carrying, provided the Crewmember being ministered the drug is not Healthy.

Self-Kill. Failed by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:31

Proposal: Finer teleporting

In Rule 16 - Machinery, change:

Teleport Console [Teleport Chamber, Crew Dorms] - Anyone who is Pulling its Levers in the Teleporte Console may ignore deck restrictions when moving themselves. Anyone who is Pushing the Teleport Console’s Buttons may choose a Location and move all Crew from that Location to the Teleport Chamber, no more than once per day.


Teleport Console [Teleport Chamber, Crew Dorms] - Anyone who is Pulling its Levers in the Teleporte Console may move emself to anywhere in the Caine. Any Crewmwmber who is not member of Alpha or Delta Groups and is Pushing the Teleport Console’s Buttons may choose a Location and move all Crew from that Location to the Teleport Chamber. Any Crewmwmber who is a member of either Alpha or Delta Group and is Pushing the Teleport Console’s Buttons may choose two Locations and move all Crew from the first Location to the second one. The same Crewmember may not use the Teleport Console more than once per day.

Self-Kill. Failed by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:32

Some updates

Since rule 21 - UCSRS says "These are the information currently tracked by the UCSRS:", I've moved there the wording "which contains the initial letter of the appropriate vitality state (i.e. either of H, S, W, or D)." from rule "Rule 10 - The Crew".

In rule 16 - Machinery, there was this wording: "...a comment "Access Console: DICE50" to the GNDT to check against the Logic score. If the DICE45 is ...", where I changed "DICE45" to "DICE50".

If anyone disagrees, please CfJ.

Proposal: Epsilon Makeover Revamped

If Proposal: Epsilon Makeover passed, this proposal does nothing

Change the Epsilon Service Group descriptions in the Rule 17 - Service Groups to:

The Epsilon Group consists of guards, inspectors, and enforcers. Any member of the Epsilon Group may spend an Action Point to use eir neural stunner on a Crewmember in the same Location as em. Using the neural stunner on a Healthy Crewmember changes eir Vitality to Stunned. It has no effect on Stunned, Wounded, or Dead Crewmembers.

A member of Epsilon Group may spend an Action Point move a Crewmember in eir Location to an adjacent Location, provided that the move is one the Epsilon Crewmember could make.

Remove Rule 23 - Police State.

In Rule 10 - Crewmembers, change:

If a Crew Member is Stunned, they may not move between Locations. If a Crew Member becomes Wounded or Dead, their Daily Points are reduced to zero.


If a Crew Member is Stunned, they may not move between Locations. If a Crew Member becomes Wounded or Dead, their Daily Points are reduced to zero.

If a Crew Member becomes Stunned, Wounded or Dead eir current Action is set to "-" and eir Action Points are reduced to zero.

This applies Smith’s modifications without making stunned status so hard. I like Spivaks, btw. I liked the hr thing very much, too. I guess I’ll adopt it.

13-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:25


I've unidled Mnemosyne (heck of a difficult name) as per his complaining in a comment to Cayvie's post. I've also returned Kurt's UCSRS to the status it has prior to Mnemosyne's idleing.

Proposal: Nice Red Uniforms

[ Getting back up to speed with events on the Caine, I had to read Rule 26 a few times to work out what Ranks and Grades actually did.

Here's a simplification; I don't think it changes any of the mechanics, apart from removing 'X' as a valid but vague Grade. ]

Reword Rule 26 (Uniforms) to:-

Each Crewmember has a Rank ("Officer" or "non-Officer") and a Grade (0-9), which confer authority over Crewmembers of lower Ranks and Grades, in the following way:-

  • An Officer always outranks a non-Officer.

  • If two Crewmembers have the same Rank, and are in the same Service Group, then the Crewmember with the highest Grade number outranks the other.

  • Crewmembers of the same Rank in different Service Groups have no authority over one another.

(An outranking Crewmember is "Superior", an outranked Crewmember is "Subordinate".)

If an Crewmember's Grade would be lowered below 0, their Officer Rank is removed and their Grade becomes 9. If they were not an Officer, then they are removed from their Service Group and their Rank is set to 'X'.

If a Crewmember's Grade would be increased above 9, they become an Officer of Grade 0. If they already had a rank of Officer then they get a Gold Star instead.

If a Service Group has no Crewmembers who are Officers, then the Crewmember with the highest Grade (if one exists) becomes an Officer of Grade 0.

14-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:22

Proposal: Various maladies

Add a new rule named "PSCD"

"One of the side effects of cryogenic freezing is post-cryogenic stress disorder (PSCD). PSCD has a number of somatic causes and it is unfortunate that approximately 3/5 cryogenically stored human beings will experience symptoms at some point in time. There is no known cure for the disorder, but modern medical technology is capable of alleviating some of the more common symptoms .

One per day, the Computer may select three Crewmembers at random from the roster and check them for PSCD, by making a comment 'PSCD Check, Crewmember X DICE5' to the GNDT, where X is the name of the selected Crewmember. If the DICE5 roll is equal to 4 or 5, that Crewmember suffers damage from PSCD and loses DICE2 Logic points.

Any Crewmember in the Sickbay who has lost Logic points to PSCD may attempt to regain them by posting 'PCSD Medical Evaluation DICE3' to the GNDT and spending one Action Point. If the DICE3 roll is 1, that Crewmember may return his or her logic rating to pre-PSCD levels."

I had something like this in mind earlier, but I don't have the same scope to amend the ruleset as I used to any more. I was going to include the earlier clause about "machine checks", but it would be senseless to duplicate the checks that are already built in to some of the machines. Perhaps some standardization of such checks is in order.

Since "Profoundly Disturbed" appears as if it will pass, this change would add some inertia to the game.

4-8. Timed out. Failed by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:21

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Proposal: Robot Clarifications

(I have self-cancelled two of my proposals. Neither has been formally failed by admins. I hope no one objects to my posting this.)
Replace the text of Rule "Service Robots" with
There are service Robots on board the Caine. They are tracked in the GNDT as if they are Crewmembers, with name ‘Rnnn’ where ‘nnn’ is a serial number issued upon Robot creation. The Robots are not Crewmembers unless otherwise specified. They may not take part of any Group, and do not have a Vitality or Logic rating. They have 5 Daily Points.
If a Robot has not been moved during the current day, any Crewmember in the same Location as that Robot may take control of it, by posting a comment to the GNDT to that effect. Taking control of a robot costs that Crewmember one Action Point and causes the controlled Robot’s Action Points to be reset to its Daily Points. Once the Robot is under eir control, the controlling Crewmember may move the Robot or use it to control Machinery. The controlling Crewmember continues to control the Robot even after the Robot leaves the Crewmembers current Location. The Robot moves and operates Machinery in the same way as a Crewmember.
Once further indented.
1. It may be teleported as a Crewmember.
2. It may spend 1 AP to move to a linked area, with any restrictions on Crewmembers such as Escape Pod limits and Cell Prohibitions standing.
3. It may operate machinery, but not consume food, etc.
4. The controlling crewmemember may issue a command to set the robot's AP equal to daily points once per day.
5. It may be repaired by a Delta Group Crewmember as any other piece of machinery. For each repairs its Daily points increase by 1, to a maximum of 5.
6. A robot will not carry out any command that would cause it to break a law.
7. If the robot is not on the Caine(as if it is on a launched Escape Pod), it may out any commands unless otherwise stated, even if its commanding Crewmember is in the same area. A robot may not move itself to any area outside the Caine without the aid of machinery.

If a test against a Logic score is mandated in order to use Machinery, a Robot fails that test automatically.

Further: Gobleteer now has 3 action points and is in the Teleporter room with the action "Pulling", as e was at the beginning before any actions involving Service robots at all. I'm too confused to sort it out.

2-7. Timed out. Failed by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:19

Proposal: Beta Makeover

(Using the Laser Display Board to post a 3rd proposal.)
Change the Beta Service Group description in the Rule 17 - Service Groups to:
The Beta Group consists of nurses, doctors, and medics. Any member of the Beta Group may, while moving, move a Stunned, Wounded or Dead Crewmember with em by spending another Action Point. By spending 2 Action Points a Beta Group member can use eir medikit to change the Vitality of a Crewmember in the same Location from Stunned to Healthy or increase that Crewmember's Logic by 5 points if it is below 10.

Change the Medibank in Rule 16 - Machinery to read:
Medibank [Sickbay] If a Crewmember belongs to the Beta Service Group and they are Pushing the Buttons on the Medibank, then they may restore any Stunned or Wounded Crew in the Sickbay (besides themselves) to a Healthy state. If healed from being Wounded or Dead, a Crew Member's Daily Points are set to the initial new-Crew value.

I'm continuing with the Spivak pronouns for consistency.

13-3. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:16

Proposal: Epsilon Makeover

Change the Epsilon Service Group descriptions in the Rule 17 - Service Groups to:
The Epsilon Group consists of guards, inspectors, and enforcers. Any member of the Epsilon Group may spend an Action Point to use eir neural stunner on a Crewmember in the same Location as em. Using the neural stunner on a Healthy Crewmember changes eir Vitality to Stunned. It has no effect on Stunned, Wounded, or Dead Crewmembers. In addition, by spending an Action Point the Epsilon Crewmember may move a Crewmember in eir Location to an adjacent Location, provided that the move is one the Epsilon Crewmember could make.

Remove Rule 23 - Police State.

In Rule 10 - Crewmembers, change:
If a Crew Member is Stunned, they may not move between Locations. If a Crew Member becomes Wounded or Dead, their Daily Points are reduced to zero.
If a Crew Member is Stunned, Wounded or Dead eir current Action is set to "-" and eir Action Points are reduced to 0. If e is Stunned eir Daily Points are reduced to 1. If e is Wounded or Dead, eir Daily Points are reduced to zero.

In Rule 18 - Action Points, change:
If a Crewmember who is Stunned has not done it in the last 24 hours, e can reset eir Actions field to null (no action), eir Action Points to the same value as eir Daily Points minus 1 and eir Vitality to Healthy.
A Stunned Crewmember may, instead of resetting eir Action Points to eir Daily Points as normal, change eir Vitality to Healthy.

I'll try to get comfortable using Spivak. So with these changes Epsilons should be able to "escort" a Crewmember to the Cell. Next up, changes to the Beta Service Group - heal Logic loss.

5-6. Timed out. Failed by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:14

Proposal: A Profoundly Disturbed Individual

Add a Rule The Space Mad:
A Crewmember with Space Madness has the following changes and additions to their normal Crewmember abilities:
  • They cannot belong to a Service Group and lose any Rank and Grade they previously held.

  • Their Daily Points are 5, but they cannot rest in the Crew Dorms.

  • By spending 3 Action Points they can damage a piece of Machinery in their Location by posting a blog entry to that effect.

  • By spending 3 Action Points they can damage a Service Robot in their Location. This reduces the Daily Points of the Robot by 1.

  • By spending 3 Action Points they can reduce the Vitality of a Crewmember in the same Location by 1 level.

  • By spending 1 Action Point they can reduce the Logic of all Crewmembers in the same Location by 1 (including themselves).

Add to the first paragraph of the Machinery Rule:
Machinery which is Damaged may not be used.

13-0. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:08


>QUERY Howard, are there any machines in the escape pod?