Proposal: Delta Upgrade
Change the Delta Service Group description in the Rule 17 - Service Groups to:
In Rule 11 - Buttons, Levers, inter alia:
14-0. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 05/02/2005 GMT 14:21
The Delta Group consists of machine repairmen, mechanics, and engineers. By spending 3 Action Points a member of the Delta Group may repair any damaged piece of Machinery causing it to cease to be damaged by posting a blog entry to that effect, or repair a Service Robot by increasing its Daily Points by 1 (to a maximum of 5 DP). A Delta Service Group member may perform the "Lock" Action.
In Rule 11 - Buttons, Levers, inter alia:
- Change "three type of mechanisms" to "four types of mechanisms"
- Change "Flipping" to "Flip" (also change this in the GNDT menu)
- Add "Lock" to the GNDT menu and add this text to the end of this Rule:
An Action of "Lock" may only be performed by a Crewmember of the Delta Service Group. While this Action is being done Machinery at that Location does not respond to other Actions.[Flipping versus Flip is a minor thing I wanted to make consistent. We use "[Action]-ing" as the same Action throughout the ruleset, so it shouldn't matter.]

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