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Friday, March 07, 2003

Idle-ize Me

I'm going to SXSW and will be out-of-the-nomic between now and Tuesday. In order to prevent being penalized for lacksidaisical voting, could one of you make me idle? (It didn't seem possible for me to idle myself, as the rule requires that I ask an admin)
Proposal: Guards! Guards!

[This is the reason I was playing with inserting images into the board. If anyone can figure out why I can control the width but not the height of a board square, please tell me what I'm doing wrong.]

Add a new rule:


BoardPlayers are each allowed one Guard on the Board. The presence of a Guard prevents BoardPlayers from changing the color of the Square it occupies.

When taking a Turn, in addition to whatever other actions a BoardPlayer can perform, he may also either:

  • Place a Guard on the Board, if he does not already have one, on any square that matches his own color.
  • Remove his Guard from the Board.
  • Move his Guard from the Square it occupies to another Square of the same color along an unbroken path of Squares of the same color, or
  • Move his Guard from the Square it occupies to another Square of the same color, regardless of path, if he did not perform this action in the immediately prior Turn.

Failed by Kevan, Thursday the 13th, -2 points to Don, 2 points to Kevan

Thursday, March 06, 2003

Proposal : Scribble
In Rule 15, The Game Board, change:
"When taking a Turn, a BoardPlayer may either:-
  • Change any Square on the Board to match their own Colour.
  • Do nothing, but declare that they have taken a Turn."

"When taking a Turn, a BoardPlayer may either:-
  • Change any Square on the Board to match their own Colour,
  • write their name on one of their Squares, or
  • Do nothing, but declare that they have taken a Turn."

Failed by Erik, Thursday the 6th, -2 points to Ole, 2 points to Erik

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

TWiki question...Is it possible to add graphics to the TWiki, or would they have to be served someplace else?
Proposal : Going a Bit Mah-Jongg

[ Altering the square-claiming rules so that you can only claim a square which is 'reachable' from your existing territory (you can't take a square that's surrounded by enemy colours, or which lies on the other side of a blocked-off area). ]

In Rule 15 (The Game Board), replace the bullet point:-

  • Change any Square on the Board to match their own Colour.

    with these two:-

  • Change any Square on the Board to match their own Colour, provided that it is adjacent to a Square of the Player's Colour, or a path of adjacent white Squares can be traced between it and a Square of the Player's Colour.
  • Change any white Square on the Board to match their own Colour, if they own no other Squares.

    Enacted by Kevan, Thursday the 6th, 15 points to Kevan
  • Tuesday, March 04, 2003

    Proposal : Game Board Victory

    To Rule 15 (The Game Board), add:-

    Two Squares are adjacent if they share an edge.

    If a Player owns a group of more than 15 connected Squares (that is, it is possible to move between any two of those Squares along a path of adjacent Squares which the Player also owns), that Player wins the Game Board Game; they are awarded 200 points, and all Squares are turned to white.

    Enacted by Kevan, Wednesday the 5th, 15 points to Kevan

    Monday, March 03, 2003

    Help requested:

    I updated the ruleset for the proposal I just passed, and clicked "post & publish."

    I then went into "Archive" and republished all the archives, to reflect the change in the Jan. 11 Ruleset post.

    In the edit/posting window, it shows my changes. However, accessing the page through the link on the webpage isn't showing my update... is everyone else seeing my update, or did I do something wrong this time? It never did this before...
    Prize: History Textbook (30 Points)

    Player must write an entry in the style of an excerpt from a history textbook. The period of time is of the Player's choice, but must be prior to 1950 a.d.

    Post must place the Player in a historical event that actually occurred in the chosen time, and must be at least 50 words long, though Players are encouraged to make this a longer entry.

    An extra 5 points may be claimed if the post also incorporates another BlogNomic player into the same historical event.

    This prize can only be claimed once by each Player, and points must be claimed within an hour of posting.
    Prize : The Community Spirit Prize (10 Points)

    A Player may claim this prize for a blog entry which contains a link to a web page written (at least in part) by another Player. This Prize may be claimed up to five times by each Player.
    Following earlier discussion, the BlogNomic blog is now running in the EST timezone - this should make day-based game activity less of a problem for American players, without much impact on the Europeans.

    Sunday, March 02, 2003

    Votes for Best Entry

    As far as I know, mine is the only nominated entry.

    My vote's for it.