Proposal : Going a Bit Mah-Jongg
[ Altering the square-claiming rules so that you can only claim a square which is 'reachable' from your existing territory (you can't take a square that's surrounded by enemy colours, or which lies on the other side of a blocked-off area). ]
In Rule 15 (The Game Board), replace the bullet point:-
Change any Square on the Board to match their own Colour.
with these two:-
Change any Square on the Board to match their own Colour, provided that it is adjacent to a Square of the Player's Colour, or a path of adjacent white Squares can be traced between it and a Square of the Player's Colour.
Change any white Square on the Board to match their own Colour, if they own no other Squares.
Enacted by Kevan, Thursday the 6th, 15 points to Kevan
[ Altering the square-claiming rules so that you can only claim a square which is 'reachable' from your existing territory (you can't take a square that's surrounded by enemy colours, or which lies on the other side of a blocked-off area). ]
In Rule 15 (The Game Board), replace the bullet point:-
with these two:-

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