Work for Idle Hands
Quorum drops to 10.
if the Mutiny fails, the instigator of the Mutiny attempt loses 25 Morale, and all Mariners voting for the Mutiny lose 10 Morale each, whereas those voting against the Mutiny gain 10 Morale each.
if the Mutiny fails, the instigator of the mutiny and all Mariners voting for the Mutiny lose 10 Morale each, whereas those voting against the Mutiny gain 10 Morale each. The instigator receives the imprisoned ailment.
Advanced Jobs
Sailor. Once a week, each Sailer may permanently increase their Speed by 1. Performing this action gains the Sailor 5 Morale. This is an adanced job for Deckhands.
Oarsman. Oarsmen loose 5 Morale every Sunday. Once a week, Oarsmen may increase their Speed by 5 at any time, provided that their Morale is above 100. This Modifier is removed after 7 days. Oarsmen are immune to global Morale modifiers; the Oarsman's Morale may only be changed if they or their ship is specifically targetted. This is an advanced job for Deckhands.
Seer. Once a week, the Seer may make a GNDT comment of "Future Sight". For the 24 hours following the post, all Morale increases are doubled for all members of the Seer's ship. There may only be one Seer on each ship at a time. Seers may Pray. This is an advanced job for Priests.
Sensate. Once per week, the Sensate may swap Morale with any other Mariner on any Ship. The Mariner who the Sensate swaps with gains and additional 10 Morale. There may only be one Sensate on each ship at a time. Sensates may Pray. This is an advanced job for Priests.
Archer. Once per day, the Archer may reduce either the Morale of all Mariners on any other ship within 10 Distance of their own ship by 2 points, or the Speed of one other ships Captain within a 10 distance range by 1 point, permanently. This is an advanced job for Warriors.
Monk. A Monk may alter any change in their own Morale by 2 points in either direction. Monks may Pray. This is an advanced job for Warriors.
When the poet processes actions, if a ship does not have at least twice as many supplies as there are mariners aboard and the shipwould sail, the ship will idle instead.
Idle: The Ship's Supplies are decreased by the number of Mariners on that Ship.
Each Ship has a quantity of Supplies, which is a nonnegative integer, is tracked in the GNDT, and starts at a value of 100, with a maximum of 150. If the amount of Supplies a Ship possesses would ever be set to a negative value, the value is instead set to 0 and the Morale of all Mariners on that Ship is reduced by 5 each. If the amount of supplies a ship possesses would ever be set greater than 150, the value is set to 150 instead
The figure in the 'Speed' column of the ship is the sum of the speed of all its Mariners
The figure in the 'Speed' column of the ship is the average, rounded down if need be, of the speed of all its Mariners
Imprisoned:Imprisoned Mariners are considered to belong to no Ship (except when considering that a Ship may only have 3 Imprisoned Mairners), for the duration of their imprisonment, and may not change Ships. Once per week, the Captain of the ship on which the Mariner is Imprisoned may decrease the Morale of the Imprisoned Mariner by 15.
The Captain may add or remove the Ailment of Imprisoned to any Mariner aboard his/her ship. A ship can only have a maximum of three Imprisoned Mariners, due to the small occupancy of the brig.
The Job held by each Mariner is tracked in a GNDT column entitled "Jobs."Amend the portion of the Rule "Gods" reading "A Mariner may pray to their God or Goddess" to read
A Priest may pray to their God or Goddess . . .Amend the Rule "Jobs" to add to the description of the Captain:
The Captain has a Speed of 5.And finally, amend the Rule "Speed" to add:
Mariners whose Speeds are not otherwise specified have Speeds of 0.The penultimate edit may look a little obscure. What this will do is give any Ship with a Captain a default Speed of 5, which Joranj's Proposal never did. My apologies, by the way, for not catching this stuff until it was way too late to change it.
Resupplying at Aeaea gives twice as many Supplies as normal. However, the Poet must roll a six-sided die for each Mariner other than the Captain, on the resupplying Ship - on a 1, that Mariner is turned into a pig (gaining the Ailment "Turned into a Pig").
Turned into a Pig. Those who have been Turned into a Pig may not pray, may not voluntarily change Jobs and may not partake in Mutiny votes. In addition, they are considered to have no Job for the duration of their being a Pig, and are not counted by any effects which count the number of Mariners on a Ship (except for the Ship actions of 'Sail' and 'Idle').
they gain the Ailment "Enraptured" for 72 hours
In addition, the Poet must post a comment to the GNDT of "Sailing (Ship Name): DICE"; on a result of a 1, a mishap occurs, having one of many effects. The Poet must post another comment to the GNDT of "Mishap (Ship Name): DICE", having results as shown below:
1: Scylla attacks, snatching and seriously wounding the Captain of that Ship. The Captain loses 15 Morale, and all other Mariners on the Ship lose 5 Morale; in addition, the Captain cannot effectively give orders, and the Ship consequently only moves half its speed, rounded down.
2: Charybdis opens up near the Ship, forcing the crew to throw 15 Supplies over the side in order to be light enough to escape the massive whirlpool; all Mariners on that Ship lose 5 Morale.
3: A wailing song is heard by the Mariners of the Ship. Those Mariners with Morale 120 or higher are unaffected; those with Morale 60-119 go temporarily insane, throwing 3 Supplies overboard each; those with Morale 0-59 are enraptured by the siren song, and their Ailment is set to "Enraptured" for 72 hours, at which point Ailment returns to "None".
4: The Ship encounters the Clashing Rocks; the Captain, choosing not to risk the Ship, sails all the way around them, losing a week's travel. The Sail Action does not affect Distance on this Action.
5: The Ship encounters a squall. The Captain lashes the tiller and hopes for the best. The Poet must make a "Squall (Ship Name): DICE + DICE" comment in the GNDT, and adds the resulting sum to the Ship's Distance. The Mariners on the ship lose 5 Morale each.
6: The Captain happens upon a bag of winds. If the average Morale of the Mariners on the ship is 90 or less, they suspiciously seize and improperly unleash the bag, causing 10 to be added to the Ship's Distance; if the average Morale of the Mariners on the Ship is above 90, the Captain has a chance to use the bag properly, and does so. The Poet must subtract an additional 5 from the Ship's Distance, but the remaining Mariners are distrustful of the bag's true contents, and lose 5 Morale each.
Certain game events may cause Mariners to become afflicted with Ailments, which are tracked in the GNDT. Current Ailments are as follows:
None: No abnormal effect.
Enraptured: The Mariner is unable to vote on any proposal until the Ailment subsides.
If the Captain of a Ship so chooses, he may opt, by way of an email to the Poet explaining his intention, to use an integer with absolute value less than their Ship's Speed to determine the Distance moved when this Action is executed.
A Captain may voluntarily forfeit his position at any time. This action signals the beginning of a new 48-hour vote to determine the new Captain, as described above.
Idle: The Ship's Supplies are decreased by twice the number of Mariners on that Ship.
If any Mariner on a Ship deems it necessary, they may declare a Mutiny on their Ship by making a post entitled "Mutiny on the (Name of Mariner's Ship)", and preferably including a rationale for the Mutiny. The other Mariners on that Ship have 72 hours to register a vote of For or Against; if at the end of this period the number of For votes outnumbers the Against votes, the Mutiny succeeds. Following a successful Mutiny, a Ship's next Action is always set to Idle. This Action cannot be changed until the Poet next executes Ships' Actions. If the Mutiny succeeds, the former Captain is relieved of his position, and is ineligible to be the next Captain. If a Mutiny succeeds, the former Captain loses 25 Morale, and all Mariners voting against the Mutiny lose 10 Morale each, whereas those Mariners voting for the Mutiny gain 10 Morale each; if the Mutiny fails, the instigator of the Mutiny attempt loses 25 Morale, and all Mariners voting for the Mutiny lose 10 Morale each, whereas those voting against the Mutiny gain 10 Morale each.
Eris, goddess of discord. A successful Prayer Roll allows the Praying Mariner to reduce the Morale of each Mariner on any Ship by an amount equal to the Prayer Roll.
Hera, goddess of holding grudges. A successful Prayer Roll allows the Praying Mariner's Ship to swap Distances with another Ship, provided that Ship is not more than 5 Distance away from the Praying Mariner's Ship.
Jeff, god of biscuits. A successful Prayer Roll will increase the amount of Supplies on the Praying Mariner's Ship by twice the Prayer Roll.
If a Ship has no Captain, any Mariner on that Ship may call for a 48-hour vote, during which other Mariners on that Ship may vote for any Mariner on the Ship.
If a Ship has no Captain, any Mariner on that Ship may call for a 48-hour vote, during which all Mariners on that Ship may vote for any Mariner on the Ship. Once a 48-hour vote is called, no other 48-hour vote may be called for for that Ship until the first 48-hour vote is resolved. If any Mariner votes more than once during a given 48-hour vote, only the most recent of his or her votes is counted. Votes must be of the format "I vote for X.", where X is the name of a Mariner on that Ship, to be valid.
Every Mariner must at all times belong to a Ship;
Every Mariner except the Poet must at all times belong to a Ship;
The Poet may not be the Captain of a Ship; nor may any Mariner be the Captain of more than one Ship. If a Mariner is Captain of a Ship, or has received votes for Captain of another Ship, votes for him in other elections of Captains are invalid.To the end of the last paragraph of Rule 11, Ships, add:
A Captain may transfer between Ships; however, if he does so, he forfeits his Captaincy.And just for clarity, amend the first sentence of Rule 16 ("Each Ship has a designated Captain") to read:
Each Ship has a designated Captain; Mariners who are Captains have their Captaincy noted on the sidebar beside their name.
A ship has morale equal to the morale of all mariners on that ship added together. This is tracked in a row in the GNDT.
A ship's battle strength is equal to the warriors on that ship multiplied by two plus the amount of mariners.
The distance between ships is substraction of the lowest distance of the highest distance.
Ships that have a distance of 5 or lower between each other may interact. A captain may post to the blog the interaction he or she wishes to make. Interactions have a recharge time of a week.
Gifts: the captain gives 8 supply per mariner on his ship, to the ship that he or she interactions with. Each mariner on the captain's ship gains 4 morale.
Steal: the captain uses the GNDT to roll a six sided die. On 1, 2 or 3, the captain steals 8 supplies per warrior on his ship from the ship he or she is interacting with. If there are less supplies to be stolen, all supplies are stolen.
If the roll is 4, 5 or 6, the captain must give 4 supplies per warrior on his or her ship to the ship the captain is interacting with.
"Posts" and "comments" refer only to those made to the BlogNomic weblog at - votes cast within the LiveJournal feed shall not be regarded as legal votes.
A Mariner with no God may select one without penalty; Mariners receive 5 Morale for first selecting a God. (This bonus is applied retroactively; any Mariner who has a God at the time this Rule is enacted receives 5 Morale, after which time any Admin may delete this sentence.)We should have a (suitably laborious) way to switch Gods. We can require animal sacrifices, too, if we end up with animals to sacrifice. Priests can't convert without switching jobs; it's most unprofessional to be a priest of Demeter one day and Hades the next.
A Mariner who has selected a God may Convert if he has had the same God for the previous seven days. When a Mariner Converts, he selects a new God and loses 15 Morale. If another Rule establishes that some Mariners are Priests, all Priests of the Mariner's former God lose 5 Morale and all Priests of the Mariner's new God gain 5 Morale. (A Mariner is a Priest of a God if the Mariner is a Priest and worships that God.) Priests may not Convert.
No Mariner may win this Dynasty without having reached Ithaca.
There are zones marked on the Map where a ship can dock to resupply. These zones are Islands and Ports. In order to dock a Captain must make a comment in the GNDT of 'Dock: (Name of Island or Port).' Islands and Ports are listed according to distance; highest to lowest number. Here is a list of known Islands and Ports:
*Port of Troy. (100-95)
*Port of Ismarus. (90-85)
*Isle of the Lotus-Eaters. (80-75)
*Island of the Cyclopes. (70-65)
*Island of AEolus. (60-55)
*Isle of Aeaea. (50-45)
*Isle of the Sun. (20-15)
*Isle of Calypso. (10-5)
*Port of Ithica. (0)
The supplies value of the ship is increased by eight times the number of Mariners on the Ship. This action may only be taken when the ship is Docked.
The Map contains areas which are indicated with the distance zones. (Ex: The Port of Crete is located at 20 distance) These distance zones can be entered by any ship when their distance is within the zone parameters. If a ship's distance is present within a zone, the mariners may interact with the zone through the GNDT or if specified they may post on the weblog. These zones may be used to resupply or to warn of impending danger.
Every Ship's Distance be set permanently at 100 until this paragraph is repealed. The Poet may not be penalized for not moving Ships until this paragraph is repealed.
Each ship and each Mariner has a Speed, which is tracked in the 'Speed' column of the GNDT. Mariners use the 'Speed column to notate the sum of all modifiers upon them that affect the amount of Distance that the Poet must deduct. The figure in the 'Speed' column of the ship is the sum of the speed of all its Mariners, plus any modifiers that may be applied to the ship as a whole.
It is every Mariner's duty to ensure that their Speed and the Speed of their Ship is accurate and up-to-date. If it is found not to be, the Poet may levy an optional and descressional 15 Morale forfeit to any and all offending Mariners.
It is every Mariner's duty to ensure that their Speed is accurate and up-to-date. It is also the duty of the Captain to ensure that the Speed of their Ship is accurate and up to date. If it is found not to be, the Poet may levy an optional and descressional 15 Morale forfeit to any and all offending Mariners.
SAIL: The Distance value of the Ship is reduced by 5,to read:
SAIL: The Distance value of the Ship is reduced by its Speed,
Once every seven days, the Poet must reduce all Ships Distances by 5;to read:
Once every seven days, the Poet must reduce all Ships Distances by their Speed, plus a default of 5;
Any Mariner may choose one Job for themselves. Jobs and there effects are listed below.Basic Jobs:
Deckhand. Once every week, for every Deckhand on the Ship, the Captain may subtract 1 from the ships Distance.
Priest. The Priest may increase one other Mariner's morale by 5, once per week. Performing this action gains the Priest 2 Morale. There may only be a maximum of 2 Priests on a ship at any one time.
Warrior. The Warrior is not affected by global Morale modifiers. The Warrior's Morale may only be changed if he or she, or his or her ship, is specifically targetted.
One the Mariner has occupied a basic job for two weeks, they may be choose to move on to one of the relevant advanced job. Advance jobs are listed below:
Any Admin may remove this line when the first Advamced Job is added.
The Captain of each ship may not choose a Job. They automatically take the job of 'Captain' and may not change it until they cease to be Captain.Captain. Once every 7 days, the Captain my post a comment to the GNDT, saying either 'Loud' or 'Quiet'. At any point after the end of those 7 days, the Captain may adjust the Morale of all the Mariners on his or her ship, as follows:
-If the Captain posted 'Quiet', all Mariners with a higher Morale than the Captain loose 5 Morale, and all Mariners with a lower Morale than the Captain gain 5 Morale.
-If the Captain posted 'Loud', all Mariners with a higher Morale than the Captain gain 5 Morale, and all Mariners with a lower Morale than the Captain loose 5 Morale.
Captains are immune to global or group Morale modifiers; the Captain's Morale may only be changed if he or she is specifically targetted.
Any Mariner (unless otherwise stated) may change their job to any Basic job at any time. However, they may not use any of their new job's abilities until they have been in that job for at least 5 days.
A Priest may pray to their God or Goddess on behalf of their Ship,
A Mariner may pray to their God or Goddess on behalf of their Ship, if no Mariner has prayed for that Ship during the previous seven days. The praying Mariner must pay 1 Morale with a GNDT comment of "Praying: DICE". The result is known as the Prayer Roll - on a 4, 5 or 6, the prayer is answered, as defined in that God's description.
Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare. A successful Prayer to Athena will increase the Morale of each Mariner on the Ship by an amount equal to the Prayer Roll.
Poseidon, the god of the sea. A successful Prayer to Poseidon allows the praying Mariner to add or subtract the Prayer Roll from a single Ship's Distance.
A Mariner may choose to transfer to a different Ship at any time, provided that the chosen Ship is either level with or behind the one being left (ie. it has a greater or equal Distance from Ithaca).
Each Ship has a designated Captain. If a Ship has no Captain, any Mariner on that Ship may call for a 48-hour vote, during which other Mariners on that Ship may vote for any Mariner on the Ship. After 48 hours, the Mariner on the Ship with the most votes becomes the Captain of that Ship. In the event of a tie after 48 hours, the Poet chooses a Captain from the candidates with the most votes. If any Rule calls upon the Ship to make a decision, the Captain makes that decision on the Ship's behalf, notifying the Poet of their decision via email.Assuming that the rule "Actions" passes, amend rules as follows:
If over half the Mariners aboard a Ship consent, they may post to the blog stating an action they wish...with the phrase
The Captain of a Ship may post to the blog stating an Action that he wishes...
Each Ship has a quantity of Supplies, which is a nonnegative integer, is tracked in the GNDT, and starts at a value of 100, with no maximum value. If the amount of Supplies a Ship possesses would ever be set to a negative value, the value is instead set to 0 and the Morale of all Mariners on that Ship is reduced by 5 each.Again assuming that the rules "Ships" and "Distance" pass, create a new rule, Actions:
If over half the Mariners aboard a Ship consent, they may post to the blog stating an action they wish to take the next time the Poet implements Ships' Actions. Current Actions are as follows:
SAIL: The Distance value of the Ship is reduced by 5, and the Supplies value of the ship is reduced by twice the number of Mariners aboard the Ship.
RESUPPLY: The Supplies value of the ship is increased by eight times the number of Mariners on the Ship.
If no alternative Action is specified by a Ship, the Poet is to assume that the ship will Sail. More Actions may be created via valid proposals.
Once every seven days, the Poet must reduce all Ships’ Distances by 5; this action has a recharge time of seven days. If he fails to do so, he may not take any other game actions until he reduces Ships' Distances read
Once every seven days, the Poet must execute the Actions legally chosen by all Ships; this action has a recharge time of seven days. If he fails to do so, he may not take any other game actions until he implements each Ship's Action appropriately.
Wind's of Aeolus
Every time the average morale of the members of a Ship falls below .75X, their ship gains 3 Distance, X being the average morale of every Mariner. This may only occur once every 5 days, no matter how many times the average morale rises or falls below .75X.)
If the average morale of a ship begins a certain 5-day time period below .75X, it must first rise above it, and then fall below .75X in order for the 3 Distance penalty to be incurred.
There exist entities called Gods. There is an appropriately titled column in the GNDT where a Mariner may choose a God to worship. At any time, the Poet may create a new God by posting a rhymed poem to Blognomic mentioning that God, and adding the God so mentioned to the list below.
The current list of Gods is as follows:
Ships are game entities that are tracked in the GNDT. They have rows in the GNDT as Mariners do, but are not considered Mariners.Create a new Rule, "Distance:"
There is a Ship column in the GNDT. Every Mariner must at all times belong to a Ship; the Ship they belong to is tracked in the GNDT under their name. All Mariners are initially on board the SS Odyssey.
There is a Distance column in the GNDT. All Mariners’ Distances are blank; a Ship’s Distance represents its distance from Ithaca. Ships begin with 100 Distance. Once every seven days, the Poet must reduce all Ships’ Distances by 5; this action has a recharge time of seven days. If he fails to do so, he may not take any other game actions until he reduces Ships' Distances appropriately.Create a new Ship, the “SS Odyssey.”
Power: Band-Aid
The hero in possession of this super-power may heal himself 2 Power by applying a large gauze pad should another Hero injure him and strip away any of his Power.
Upon enactment of this rule, each Allegiance shall have the Power of its members added together to calculate its Victory Score. The Allegiance with the highest Victory Score shall be declared Victorious. (In the event of any precise ties, Good triumphs over Evil, Evil triumphs over Neutral and Neutral triumphs over Good.)
The members of the Victorious Allegiance have 24 hours to nominate a Leader; each member may nominate a single Hero within that Allegiance, and the member with the most nominations after 24 hours wins the Dynasty and ascends to Super Villainhood. (In the event of a tie, the existing Super Villain may cast a deciding vote.)
Heroes may not change their Allegiance during the nomination period.
The Super Villian or the original poster of the Emergency may add information to the Emergency post at any time. They may also revise the situation at any time by editing the Emergency post, subject to the following conditions:
-Any changes must be borne of actions made by Heroes who have responded to the Emergency;
-All changes must be clearly marked, preferably by adding them to the end of the post under a separate heading;
-All original text must remain in the post;
-No change to an Emergency may invalidate any action taken by any Hero who has responded to that particular Emergency.
Meteo does nothing. The winner of the bidding on meteo is awarded 1 power. Any admin may delete the power Meteo from the ruleset, and remove it from any heros list of powers at any time.
Levitation. [Forceful] The Hero gains the ability to levitate themselves or others at will. Cost for use of this ability is 5 power per hour (or part thereof) used, per item (or person) elevated. A levitating object or person moves at the same speed as a hero running with no speed enhancements.