Proposal: And it is, it is, a Glorious Thing...
Create a new rule, Captaincy:
In the rule "Actions", replace the phrase
I think that this will streamline the process of ships taking different actions. Comments, questions, concerns?
Passed 13 to 0 by Brendan at 6:05 pm GMT on 3.11.2004. +10 to Axiallus, +2 to Brendan.
Each Ship has a designated Captain. If a Ship has no Captain, any Mariner on that Ship may call for a 48-hour vote, during which other Mariners on that Ship may vote for any Mariner on the Ship. After 48 hours, the Mariner on the Ship with the most votes becomes the Captain of that Ship. In the event of a tie after 48 hours, the Poet chooses a Captain from the candidates with the most votes. If any Rule calls upon the Ship to make a decision, the Captain makes that decision on the Ship's behalf, notifying the Poet of their decision via email.Assuming that the rule "Actions" passes, amend rules as follows:
In the rule "Actions", replace the phrase
If over half the Mariners aboard a Ship consent, they may post to the blog stating an action they wish...with the phrase
The Captain of a Ship may post to the blog stating an Action that he wishes...
I think that this will streamline the process of ships taking different actions. Comments, questions, concerns?

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