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Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Proposal: Rosy-Fingered Dawn Rises

Create a new Rule, "Ships:"
Ships are game entities that are tracked in the GNDT. They have rows in the GNDT as Mariners do, but are not considered Mariners.

There is a Ship column in the GNDT. Every Mariner must at all times belong to a Ship; the Ship they belong to is tracked in the GNDT under their name. All Mariners are initially on board the SS Odyssey.
Create a new Rule, "Distance:"
There is a Distance column in the GNDT. All Mariners’ Distances are blank; a Ship’s Distance represents its distance from Ithaca. Ships begin with 100 Distance. Once every seven days, the Poet must reduce all Ships’ Distances by 5; this action has a recharge time of seven days. If he fails to do so, he may not take any other game actions until he reduces Ships' Distances appropriately.
Create a new Ship, the “SS Odyssey.”

FOR Passed 12 to 0 by Cayvie at 20:51 GMT on 3.10.2004. +10 to Satyr Eyes, +2 to Cayvie.