Proposal: Can you say "Dungeon Master"? [TRIVIAL]
I have a feeling it's headed this was anyhow.
Add the following sentence to Rule 15: Emergencies:
Vetoed by Satyr Eyes -- new Dynasty.
Add the following sentence to Rule 15: Emergencies:
The Super Villian or the original poster of the Emergency may add information to the Emergency post at any time. They may also revise the situation at any time by editing the Emergency post, subject to the following conditions:
-Any changes must be borne of actions made by Heroes who have responded to the Emergency;
-All changes must be clearly marked, preferably by adding them to the end of the post under a separate heading;
-All original text must remain in the post;
-No change to an Emergency may invalidate any action taken by any Hero who has responded to that particular Emergency.

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