Budget Proposal

With Joranj's vote, this has more votes than "nothing" does, so this is our official budget. I'll start taxing right now.
All Representatives may add votes of agreement or disagreement in comments to this entry, using appropriate voting icons. CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, or until 4 days have passed. After this time, if more than half of the Representatives' votes (their later votes overriding their earlier) are in favour, the Gamestate and Ruleset should be amended as was specified. Otherwise, the CFJ fails and may have no further effect.
Any Representative may give any amount of a Commodity they control to another Representative, at any time.
The following Commodities exist:-
* Adamantium: a valuable interstellar fuel, mined from the smaller planets. A Representative may mine Adamantium no more than once per week by making a payment of 10MC with a GNDT comment of "Mining Adamantium: (DICE-X)/2", where X is the size of their world, and "/" means "divide by". If the result is positive, they gain Adamantium equal to the result.
In order to permit or prevent a Representative's expansion onto other planets, the Speaker and 4 other Council members must vote for/against the post. A Representative must wait until he or she has the approval of the Speaker before they take over a Planet.
If the Speaker does not relay their vote within 48 hours of the posting, then the Representative must have the approval of half the Representatives rounded down.