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Friday, March 25, 2005

Proposal: Umi Monogatari (Sea sory)

Enact a new rule entitled "The Dark side of the Surf":

Some Gremmies are bent on world domination, those are known as Evil Gremmies. Evil Gremmies get -1 to their Coolness Factor, for all stunts.

One Gremmie is the Doctor. The Doctor may take any of the following actions

* E may make any Gremmie Evil by attaching a dollar sign to the end of their Skill.

* E can cause a Gremmie to cease to be Evil by removing tne dollar sign atthe end of thier skill.

* E may change any Wiped Out Gremmie with the same Yards as em's Suit to Sharkskin

* If eir stance is Standing then e may set eir Yards to 50.

Add the following text to the list of locations

At 50 Yards after the beach there is the Floating Island.

Add the following to the list of Items

Sharkskin (Suit) A Swimming or Standing Evil Gremmie may move any one Gremmie wearing Sharkskin other than emself instead of moving themselves, by posting a GNDT comment of "Shark# Move: DICEX", where # is the name of the Sharkskin wearing Gremmie to be moved and X is the Yard distance of the furthest-out Gremmie. The Gremmie is moved to the result of the roll. If any Sharkskin wearing Gremmie has the same Yard value as a Gremmie other than itself, it may attack that Gremmie, unless it has already attacked them earlier in the day. Any Evll Gremmie may post a GNDT comment of "Shark# Attack: DICE3 DICEX" where # is the name of the Sharkskin wearing Gremmie attacking and X is the Skill of the victim. If the result of the first die is a 1, the Sharkskin wearing Gremmie attacks the other Gremmie, who loses the resultant roll's worth of Skill. If a Sharkskin wearing Gremmie's Stance is Surfing then that Gremmie stance is set to Swimming.
a Gremmie will not lose coolness or become a obnoxious git from attacking a Sharkskin wearing Gremmie

Demon Crown (Headgear) There is only one Demon Crown and it's from the Neatherworld. If a Gremmie is at the Floating Island and no other Gremmie is wearing the Demon Crown then that Gremmie may equip the Demon Crown - this is the only way to get the Demon Crown. The Gremmie wearing the Crown is the Doctor.

Bubble Harppon (Accessory) Once per day any Evil Gremmie with a Bubble Harppon mayset a Gremmie with the same Yards as em's Stance to Wiped Out.

The whole Evil Gremmie thing has been toned down. A lso, if you think that this is too out of theme but a good idea please say so.

Cross Timed Out 3-5.
Failed by Topher, 27th of March at 18:52.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Proposal: Dont hate on us gits

If a rule exists entitled "the pusher" repeal it

append the following onto the rule entitled "psychokiller"

While on the Speedboat a Gremmie may not attack another Gremmie.

Cross Timed Out 1-7.
Failed by Topher, 27th of March at 18:49.

On image

Somebody who doesn't have a proposal pending should draft one to replace the GNDT logo with the Metadynasty one.

Proposal: The Pusher

If this proposition passes, add the following rule to the ruleset:

The Pusher:

By posting a comment in the GNDT, a Gremmie who is Standing with the same yard value as the Speedboat may push another Gremmie who is at the same yard, provided that the Gremmie so pushed is an Obnoxious Git. The Yard value of the Gremmie who is pushed is decreased by one, or set to zero if the value would be less than one.

If the Gremmie pushed from the Speedboat still has a positive yard value, his or her stance is changed to Wiped Out.

Useful if one's speedboat suffers from an infection of Harpoon-wielding crazy maniacs. Not that we have to worry about that.

Tick Quorum Reached 9-3. Enacted by Topher, 25th of March at 16:48.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Proposal: Coolness tracking, and Git penalties

Append to rule 10:
Gremmies have a coolness modifier, tracked by the GNDT as an integer number. A new Gremmie starts with a coolness modifier of 0. This number is added to the coolness factor specified in other rules.

Append to rule 11:
If, at any time, all Gremmies except one are obnoxious gits, the one Gremmie who is not an obnoxious git may claim victory.

Tick Passed 9-0. Enacted by Topher, 25th of March at 16:34.

Proposal: Git Me Away from Here, I'm Dying

add a rule entitled "This is not a Rule" in which:

Aaron is an obnoxious git.

Heiwa is an obnoxious git.

Topher is an obnoxious git.
That is all.

Cross Failed 5-7. Failed by Topher, 25th of Month at 16:32.

Proposal: Guide Me to Bodacious Stunts, Thou Heavenly Muse

Enact a New Rule Entitled "Poetry" stating

A Gremmie may recite poetry in an attempt to gain Coolness by making a post with the subject "Poem: X" where X is the title of the poem, and the text of the poem in the body of the post. For the purposes of this rule only, the author of a Poem is called the "Beatnick".

Gremmies shall rank the poem by replying with an integer ranging from -5 to 5, with 5 being the best and -5 the worst. The Beatnick may not rank eir own poem.

If after 3 days a quorum of Gremmies have ranked the poem, all the rankings shall be totalled and rounded to the next integer towards 0. The Beatnick's Coolness factor shall be modified by this number.

If after 7 days a quorum of Gremmies have not ranked the poem, the poem is "Boring", and the Beatnick's Coolness factor shall not be modified, any rankings notwithstanding.

A Gremmie may not post any poem which contains any copyrighted material that e does not have permission to use, or any other material of a questionable legal nature. The Admins reserve the right to remove any poem if necessary.

Call it out of theme but I think it's possible. :P

Cross Failed 4-5. Failed by Topherr, 25th of March at 16:29.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


I Harpoon Shark1

Proposal:Shark Tooth necklace

Shark Tooth necklace:
It's nice,hot, and cool in general adds 5 to coolness, the King of the beach must choose a jury of 5 to vote if this person should become an obnoxious git.The King of the Beach's vote counts as two, everyone else's counts as 1. It cannot go to an obnoxious git.

Cross Failed 2-7. Failed by Topher, 25th of March at 16:27.

Proposal: More Kevlar

Add the following item of equipment:

Kevlar Vest (suit): Sure it's not pretty; any Gremmie wearing a Kevlar Vest has 2 points removed from eir coolness factor and e can only move half the yards e normally could, rounded up. However, any Gremmie wearing a Kevlar Vest loses no skill (or suffers any other penalty) as the result of a Harpoon attack, even if another rule indicates the attack is successful.

More clearly worded...

Tick Passed 8-0. Enacted by Topher, 25th of March at 16:22.

Proposal: Git plus Shark equals no Git

Create a new rule called "Git-be-gone" With the following text

If a Gremmie who is known as an Obnoxious Git successfully kills a shark he may make a special post. This post shall have the title "I request to no longer be a Git" and the body of the post shall indicate why people should vote for removing the Gremmies Gitness. Every Gremmie may vote once on this type of post, if they vote more than once then the latest vote shall count. A vote of Imperial shall count as an abstainment from this type of post. For every shark that is killed by the Git within 48 hours of the posting of one of these posts the Git shall be able to place an extra FOR vote for the post. If after 48 hours of posting a request there are more FOR votes than AGAINST votes then one instance of the sentence "[Gremmie Name] is an Obnoxious Git" shall be removed from the ruleset, where [Gremmie Name] is the name of the Gremmie that posted the request.

Cross Failed 3-9. Failed by Topher, 25th of March at 16:10.

Monday, March 21, 2005

In case anyone wants to do somthing interesting

The following dynasties currently do NOT have histories written up for them. If you feel so inclind anyone can do the proper research and write up a history. If you are not an admin and you write up a history, then you can e-mail an admin and they can put the page up for you.

The Firsty Dynasty of Quazie

The Second Dynasty of KnightKing

The First Dynasty of Chronos

The First Dynasty of Brendan

and a multitude of others that can be found here

Proposal: Cleaning up Dead Sharks

In rule 18, change:
If any Shark is struck by the harpoon its blood causes a feeding frenzy. 2 days after a shark is struck by a harpoon, 2 new Sharks appear at Yard 100. Any admin may create the new Sharks after midnight on the second day
to be:
If any Shark is struck by the harpoon its blood causes a feeding frenzy. 2 days after a shark is struck by a harpoon, 2 new Sharks appear at Yard 100. Any admin may create the new Sharks after midnight on the second day, and any admin may remove a harpooned shark from the GNDT after the new Sharks have been created.

Just seems like a little cleaning up would be in order

Tick Timed Out 8-0. Enacted by Topher, 23th of March at 19:05.

Proposal: Dr. Chum's Irresistable Shark Bait ™

Add the following item of equipment:
Shark Bait (accessory): A Gremmie with Shark Bait does not roll DICE when moving a Shark - it is instead moved directly to that Gremmie's position.

Tick Passed 10-1. Enacted by Topher, 23rd of March at 02:19.

Proposal: Kevlar Vest

Add the following item of equipment:
Kevlar Vest (suit): Sure it's not pretty; any Gremmie wearing a Kevlar Vest has 2 points removed from eir coolness factor and e can move half the yards e normally could, rounded up. However, any Gremmie wearing a Kevlar Vest is immune to Harpoon attacks. Even if another rule indicates a successful Harpoon attack against a Gremmie wearing a Kevlar Vest, no damage is done.

Cross Self-kill.
Failed by Kevan, 22nd of March at 22:33.

Proposal: Boat Trip

Enact a new Rule, "The Speedboat":-

A Speedboat is bobbing in the waves - it has a Yard value, and is listed as a Gremmie in the GNDT, but is not a Gremmie for game purposes.

If a Gremmie is at the same Yard distance as the Speedboat, he or she may Stand - this takes precedence over Rule 17, and is known as "Boating".

If a Gremmie is Boating, they are immune to Shark attacks, and may move up to 20 Yards as their movement. (Moving in this way also causes other Boating Gremmies - and the Speedboat itself - to automatically move to the same Yard distance, but does not count as those Gremmies' movement for that day.)

If the Speedboat ever ends up at a distance of 0 Yards or less, it is moved to the 1 Yard mark.

When this Rule is enacted, the Speedboat's Yards shall be set to the result of a 'DICEX' GNDT roll by the enacting admin, where 'X' is the Yard value of the furthest-out Gremmie.

Tick Passed 10-1.
Enacted by Kevan, 22nd of March at 22:30.

Proposal: Qu'est Que C'est?

[ Those psycho-discouraging modifiers aren't actually being recorded anywhere. ]

To Rule 20 (Psychokiller), add:-

These effects may be noted in this rule by any Admin, within 48 hours of the attack.

Quazie is an Obnoxious Git and has a Coolness modifier of -190.

Tick Passed 11-1.
Enacted by Kevan, 22nd of March at 22:28.

Prop: So i broke it, now i fix it

Add the following onto the end of rule 20

A Gremmie may only attack another Gremmie once per day.

Tick Passed 9-0.
Enacted by Kevan, 22nd of March at 22:23.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Proposal: The Doctor is in.

Enact a new rule entitled "The Dark side of the Surf":

Some Gremmies are bent on world domination, those are known as Evil Gremmies. Evil Gremmies get +1 to their Coolness Factor, for all stunts.

One Gremmie is the Doctor. The Doctor may take any of the following actions

* E may make any Gremmie Evil by attaching a dollar sign to the end of their Skill.

* E can cause a Gremmie to cease to be Evil by removing tne dollar sign atthe end of thier skill.

* E may change any Wiped Out Gremmie with the same Yards as em's Suit to Sharkskin

Add the following text to the list of locations

At 50 Yards after the beach there is the Floating Island.

Add the following to the list of Items

Sharkskin (Suit) A Swimming or Standing Evil Gremmie may move any one Gremmie wearing Sharkskin instead of moving themselves, by posting a GNDT comment of "Shark# Move: DICEX", where # is the name of the Sharkskin wearing Gremmie to be moved and X is the Yard distance of the furthest-out Gremmie. The Gremmie is moved to the result of the roll. If any Sharkskin wearing Gremmie has the same Yard value as a Gremmie other than itself, it may attack that Gremmie, unless it has already attacked them earlier in the day. Any Evll Gremmie may post a GNDT comment of "Shark# Attack: DICE3 DICEX" where # is the name of the Sharkskin wearing Gremmie attacking and X is the Skill of the victim. If the result of the first die is a 1, the Sharkskin wearing Gremmie attacks the other Gremmie, who loses the resultant roll's worth of Skill.

Demon Crown (Headgear) There is only one Demon Crown and it's from the Neatherworld. If a Gremmie is at the Floating Island and no other Gremmie is wearing the Demon Crown then that Gremmie may equip the Demon Crown - this is the only way to get the Demon Crown. The Gremmie wearing the Crown is the Doctor.

Bubbler (Accessory) Any Evil Gremmie with a Bubbler may either set a Gremmie with the same Yards as em's Stance to Wiped Out or set a Wiped Out Gremmie with the same yards as em's Yards to 50.

The intial idea for this was thought up late at night without access to the Ruleset so if things look weird then that's why.

Cross Timed out 4-8.
Failed by Kevan, 22nd of March at 22:23.