Proposal: Guide Me to Bodacious Stunts, Thou Heavenly Muse
Enact a New Rule Entitled "Poetry" stating
Call it out of theme but I think it's possible. :P
Failed 4-5. Failed by Topherr, 25th of March at 16:29.
A Gremmie may recite poetry in an attempt to gain Coolness by making a post with the subject "Poem: X" where X is the title of the poem, and the text of the poem in the body of the post. For the purposes of this rule only, the author of a Poem is called the "Beatnick".
Gremmies shall rank the poem by replying with an integer ranging from -5 to 5, with 5 being the best and -5 the worst. The Beatnick may not rank eir own poem.
If after 3 days a quorum of Gremmies have ranked the poem, all the rankings shall be totalled and rounded to the next integer towards 0. The Beatnick's Coolness factor shall be modified by this number.
If after 7 days a quorum of Gremmies have not ranked the poem, the poem is "Boring", and the Beatnick's Coolness factor shall not be modified, any rankings notwithstanding.
A Gremmie may not post any poem which contains any copyrighted material that e does not have permission to use, or any other material of a questionable legal nature. The Admins reserve the right to remove any poem if necessary.
Call it out of theme but I think it's possible. :P

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