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Saturday, April 23, 2005

Two points of interest

First - the GNDT has the GMT off by one hour. It says its tomorow when its really one hour from tomorow, Kevan - you should fix this

Second - as the robot is not a crewmember could it even have been transported to the cell and if it could, was it able to leave? (feel free to CFJ this if this informalness of the ? is too weak for you)


Howard, when is our estimated time of arrival at Euclidean space?


Good point. Howard, are Euclidean and Non-Euclidean space mutualy exclusive?

Proposal: Ragamuffin

Remove the following text from rule 26 "Uniforms":
If a Crewmember has a lower Rank than another Crewmember in the same Service Group they are a Subordinate of that Crewmember with higher authority, who is their Superior.

If an Crewmember's Grade would be lowered below 0, their Officer Rank is removed and their Grade becomes 9. If they were not an Officer, then they are removed from their Service Group and their Rank and Grade are set to 'X'.

If a Crewmember's Grade would be increased above 9, they become an Officer of Grade 0. If they already had a rank of Officer then they get a Gold Star instead.

If a Service Group has no Crewmembers who are Officers, then the Crewmember with the highest Grade becomes an Officer of Grade 0.
(maybe it's just my browser screwing up but it really looks like there are two copies of that text in the rule. if there is only one copy then do not remove it.)

amend the text in rule 21 "UCSRS" that starts with "UCSRS[2] tracks" to state
UCSRS[2] tracks the Rank a Crewmember holds, which can be either "X", "O", "*" or "@", where O indicates an Officer rank, * indicates an Officer who has a Golden Star, and @ indicates an Officer who has a Galactic Spiral. Crewmembers not belonging to a Service Group must have Rank X.

add the following text to rule 26 "Uniforms":
At any time the Computer may give the Galactic Spiral to an Officer who has a Golden Star. Only one Officer may have the Galactic Spiral at a time. The Officer who holds the Galactic Spiral is superior to all other Crewmembers, regardless of Service Group, rank, or grade.

Tick 13-0 (Reached Quorum). Enacted by smith, 26th of April at 00:13.

Proposal: Always worth a try

Append to the end of Rule 28, "Victory":
The Caine reaches Euclidean space.

Cross Self-killed. Failed by smith, 26th of April at 00:11.

Proposal: So Captain Kirk, two high-ranking officers, and a number of lackeys wearing red shirts go down in a shuttle...

Add a rule, titled "Scaly Green Monsters"
In any instance where a third officer joins two in a location, and at least one officer has a gold star, any non-officers are teleported to the Cell, unless the current location is either the Cell or the Escape Pod. If the location is Escape Pod, nothing happens unless the Pod is launched with exactly three officers, at least one of which has a Gold Star, in which case the status of all non-officers is set to "Dead".
I'm stumped on the Cell.

Cross Self-killed. Failed by smith, 26th of April at 00:09.

Proposal: Boom?

Create a new rule entitled "Escape to Victory" with the following text

If at any time there is only 1 crewmember alive, and that crewmember is in the Escape Pod, e may declare victory.

i'm imagining some sort of disaster and the escape pod being the way out. Also i would have written this so that all live crewmembers win if everyone else is dead, but i'd have to rewrite a core rule to make multiple emporeres, so i'll leave that up to someone else

Cross Failed 7-9 (Expired). Failed by Smith, 26th of April at 00:08.

Proposal: Minor, semi-urgent fix

Append to the glossary, after "below zero instead sets them to zero." :
Any situation which would require a roll of DiceX when X is zero or lower always yields a value of 0 unless stated otherwise.
I think zero would be more appropriate than one for opposed rolls.

Ticky-too Enacted at 13-0. Enacted by Cayvie, 25th of April at 16:23.


Igthorn and Mnemosyne have not voted for an entire week, and therefore go idle.

Servicebot Report

The lights are now on in the Mess Hall on Deck 3 and the Holodeck on Deck 5, as per Query010 and Query015.

The inter-deck Service Tubes of Query012 could not be unlocked, as they are not a defined Location or piece of Machinery and so cannot be added to the ruleset.

New Crewmember: Gobleteer

The crew reserves on the Caine are prodigious. Crewmember Gobleteer has reported for duty.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Proposal: Officer Demotion

To the end of the last paragraph in the rule "Orders", append

If the officer in question loses sufficient grades that e is no longer an officer, and there are no other officers in the same Service Group, then a new Officer shall be chosen at random from amongst the members of the service group by any Admin staff not in that group, excluding the just-demoted officer.

To solve the problem that the review can't actually rid you of an officer abusing eir powers.

While we're at it, to the first sentence of the second paragraph of the rule "Service Groups", insert ", with a rank of X and a grade of 0" between "at any time" and the full stop.

Ticky-too Enacted at 13-0. Enacted by Cayvie, 25th of April at 1:02.

New Crewmember: Doodle

Another Crewmember has been thawed out to help with ship duties. Crewmember Doodle, please report to the briefing room.

Opinion Poll: Wishlist

I've given the game some thought and have several ideas for a game direction. I want to see how receptive Crewmembers are to these before proposing:

1) Battling Insanity. I'd like to split the Crewmembers into two camps: rational crewmembers who work together to take the Caine out of non-Euclidean space, versus the nihilistic Space Madness cases who want to destroy the ship (make it an alternative victory condition).

2) Service Group Synergy. In the above scenario, the sane Crewmembers should be encouraged to work together, whereas the Space Madness cases have no organization: they are in no Service Group and each have identical powers of destruction and insanity. We should tune and balance the Service Group skills so that each opposes the forces of chaos in a specific way.

3) Simplify Machinery. The Machinery list is bewildering! One improvement could be a common rule for Logic requirements, like a "Complexity" attribute which requires a DICE test versus Logic, or simply a minimum Logic value to use it.

What do you think?


I'll try again, now it's legal to do so. Howard, were there any life-signs of approximately humanoid composition detected aboard the Caine during our period of suspended animation, not including those actually in suspended animation?

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Proposal: Winning ist good, ja.

Add a new rule "Victory" with the text

The Crewmember that causes the Caine to leave non-Euclidean space without damaging the Caine may declare victory.

How this is gone about, who knows. Just thought at least some sort of victory condition was a good idea.

Ticky-too Enacted at 14-1, with one Deferential. Enacted by Cayvie, 23rd of April at 14:40.


Howard, what is the current value of Pi outside the Caine?


>QUERY. Howard, was there, at any time, lifesigns aboard the Caine during our suspended animation, not including those in the cryonic chambers?

Janitorial Services

The Machinery of the Caine has been dusted and rearranged into alphabetic order. An exact duplicate entry for the Insta-Brain-o-matic has also been removed. This doesn't effectively change any rules, but I may have overstepped my Admin authority. Please advise.

I've also updated the GNDT with the "Flipping" action and relocated the Security Post and Cell, as per recent Proposals.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Idle me please

Sorry, the Rules are becoming too complicated for me to wrap my mind around. I don't want to hold up Quorum anymore. Thanks.

Proposal: In Case of Emergency, Smash Glass

Add a machine:

Jettison Thrusters [Escape Pod] If three Crewmembers are Pulling the Levers on the Jettison Thrusters, then the Escape Pod is blasted away from the ship, taking everyone inside along with itself, and the effects listed below occur. This is permanent; if the Crewmembers stop Pulling, all the following effects still occur:

1) The Escape Pod ceases to be located on a Deck, and is therefore not considered Adjacent to any other Locations.

2) No Machinery located elsewhere on the ship can affect either the Escape Pod or any Crewmember in it, nor may any Crewmember use the Teleport Console to get there.

3) No Crewmember in the Escape Pod can contact Howard.

4) The Caine's Alert status is changed to Red.

5) The Escape Pod holds enough supplies so that everyone inside can live comfortably for six days. After this time period has elapsed, once per day, any Crewmember may downgrade any Crewmember in the Escape Pod's Vitality by one grade.

Ticky-too Enacted at 18-1. Enacted by Cayvie, 23rd of April at 14:36.

Proposal: Healthy UCSRS

Modify the following sentence from rule 10:

Crew Members are (in descending order of vitality) either Healthy, Stunned, Wounded or Dead - this is tracked in the GNDT with the Vitality field.

to read

Crew Members are (in descending order of vitality) either Healthy, Stunned, Wounded or Dead. This is tracked in the GNDT as UCSRS[6], which contains the initial letter of the appropriate vitality state (i.e. either of H, S, W, or D).

Delete the field "Vitality" from the GNDT.

Might as well clean up the

Ticky-too Enacted at 12-4. Enacted by Cayvie, 23rd of April at 14:28.

Proposal: some things should be protected

Replace the following from rule 4 voting

A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Computer. The vote will count as the same as the Computers's vote. The Computer cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Computer, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.


A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Computer. The vote will count as the same as the Computers's vote unless the DEFERENTIAL vote is on a proposal that would change the core ruleset . The Computer cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Computer or the vote is on a proposal that changes the core ruleset, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.

Cross Failed 4-11 (Timed Out). Failed by Smith, 22nd of April at 18:35.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Proposal: ... is what they beat you with.

Add a rule, Orders
By spending an Action Point an Officer may issue an order to a Subordinate. This is done by posting a comment to the GNDT of the format "***ORDER [Subordinate Name]: [Order Action]"

Each Order may only include a single defined GNDT action, or prohibition from doing such an action. For example "Go to Sickbay" is an Order action , as is "Don't leave the Bridge", but "Push the Buttons on the Medibank and Restore Crewmember X to Healthy" is two actions and should be broken into two Orders.

Once per day, an Officer may change the Grade of a Subordinate they have issued an Order to in the last 24 hours, by increasing or decreasing the Subordinate's Grade by one.

Once per week, an Officer may be reviewed by their Subordinates. Either the Officer or any of their Subordinates may begin the Performance Evaluation by posting to the blog with the format "[Service Group] Evaluate: [Officer Name]". Each Subordinate may respond once, including a FOR, AGAINST, or DEFERENTIAL vote. Each FOR vote increases the Officer's Grade by 1, each AGAINST vote decreases it by 1, and DEFERENTIAL votes have no effect.

Tick Passed 10-3 (Timed Out). Enacted by Smith, 22nd of April at 18:29.


>QUERY Howard, buddy, what happens if you request a crewmember to report to the sickbay for a diagnostic scan, and they disobey you?

Proposal: The Chain of Command...

Add to the Uniforms rule:
If a Crewmember has a lower Rank than another Crewmember in the same Service Group they are a Subordinate of that Crewmember with higher authority, who is their Superior.

If an Crewmember's Grade would be lowered below 0, their Officer Rank is removed and their Grade becomes 9. If they were not an Officer, then they are removed from their Service Group and their Rank and Grade are set to 'X'.

If a Crewmember's Grade would be increased above 9, they become an Officer of Grade 0. If they already had a rank of Officer then they get a Gold Star instead.

If a Service Group has no Crewmembers who are Officers, then the Crewmember with the highest Grade becomes an Officer of Grade 0.
(I don't know what the Gold Stars do. Pin them on your collar when you wear your dress uniform.)

Tick Passed 11-2 (Timed Out). Enacted by Smith, 22nd of April at 18:12.

Proposal: Queue de-queueing

This proposal is designed to eliminate the damage caused to the game by proposals which, for whatever reason, don't get a lot of votes or are fairly evenly split.

Delete rule 5, and replace with
Rule 5 -- Resolution

Quorum is equal to one half of the number of Crewmembers, rounding up. Resolution of a proposal is defined as the Enactment or Failure of a proposal.

A proposal may be Enacted by any admin, and the changes of that proposal upon the Gamestate and Rulestate effected, if:

1) The number of FOR votes exceed Quorum, and the proposal is more than 12 hours old
2) The number of FOR votes exceed the number of AGAINST votes, and the proposal is more than 48 hours old

A proposal may be maked as Failed by any Admin if:
1) The Computer has used the Imperial Veto on the proposal
2) The number of votes AGAINST (and explicit abstentions) are such that the proposal could not be Enacted without a change of vote by one or more Crewmembers, and the proposal is more than 12 hours old
3) The proposer has voted against it (this shall be referred to as a Self-Kill).
4) The proposal is more than 48 hours old, and does not meet the requirements for enactment

A proposal whose effects depend on the passage or failure of another proposal may not be enacted until after the resolution of that proposal, regardless if one of the above criteria applies.

When resolving proposals, Admins must resolve older proposals in preference to newer ones, that is, the oldest proposal that is resolvable must be resolved first. When an admin marks a proposal as Enacted or Failed, e must note the following at the end of the text of the proposal:

1) The final tally of votes for to against, or if the proposal was Vetoed or Self-Killed
2) The time of enactment
3) The name of the resolving Admin

End of text of proposed rule 5

In rule 4, append to the last paragraph "If the Crewmember who made a proposal votes AGAINST, e may not change eir vote"

In rule 3, replace "Proposals can be Pending, Enacted, Failed or Expired" with "Proposals can be Pending, Enacted or Failed"

Timed out at 2-9, with 1 Deferential. Failed by Cayvie at 04/21/2005 GMT 2:11

Monday, April 18, 2005

Proposal: s-m-r-t

This proposal is designed to allow crewmembers to increase their skills and grade.

To the list of devices and actions in Rule Buttons, Levers, inter alia... add "Switches -- Flipping"

To the list of machinery in Rule Machinery, add the following

Training Devices[Bridge, Sickbay, Bar, Engineering, Security Post] There are traning devices located in various locations around the ships, designed to allow crewmembers to increase their skills, as well as improve their grade. Each device can only be used by members of the applicable group, as follows, and as such, crewmembers not in a group may not use the training devices:

Alpha -- Bridge
Beta -- Sickbay
Gamma -- Bar
Delta -- Engineering
Epsilon -- Security Post

A Crewmbember who is Flipping the Switches on a Training Device that they are authorised to use may take one of the following actions no more than once per day, as long as they are not suffering from space madness:

E may post a comment to the GNDT stating "Skills Training: DiceX", where X = eir logic plus 5. If this is greater than eir current logic, ey may add the difference to their logic score; however, if the result is less than or equal to eir logic/20, rounding up, eir logic is reduced by two to reflect overtraining.

Alternatively, e may post a comment to the GNDT stating "Promotion test: DiceY" where Y = 5 + eir logic/10, rounding down. If this is strictly greater than their grade, they may add one to their grade (UCRCS[3]), as long as they have not done so in the past week.

This gives some way for people to improve their position on the caine, as well as offer people not in alpha to increase their logic. Furthermore, it encourages people in the various groups to congregate in locations applicable to their specialty. I picked the bar for group Gamma lacking any better places to put 'em. The fact that the groups line up sequentially with the decks was completely coincedental.

The promotions are based on the idea that competent people are more likely to be promoted, but I wanted to limit the speed at which people could be promoted.

Timed out at 6-4, with 3 Deferentials. Enacted by Cayvie at 04/21/2005 GMT 2:11


>QUERY Howard, I am a nice, shiny new officer, where would i find the officers quarters and what type of machines would i find there?

Proposal: Ranking I

To the end of the Uniforms rule, add:

Whenever a Crewmember leaves a Group, eir UCSRS[2] and UCSRS[3] are set to “X”, meaning e loses eir rank and Officer status, if any.

Whenever a Crewmember joins a Group, e must roll a DICEX, where X is the rank of the lowest ranked member of that Group. The result of this roll shall be set as the rank of the Crewmember joining the Group.

Whenever a Group has no Officers, any member of that group may roll a DICEX where X is the number of Crewmembers in eir Service Group. That Crewmember must them count down the Service Group members from highest to lowest in the GNDT and stop at the result of the DICE roll, promoting that Crewmember to Officer Rank.

For the purposes of this rule, when a Crewmember change groups he leaves the former group and joins the new one.

This trims some loose ends on ranking rules.

Self-Kill. Failed by Cayvie at 04/20/2005 GMT 2:11

Proposal: It needs a place

Move R001 to the Briefing Room.

Passe 12-1. Enacted by Cayvie at 04/20/2005 GMT 18:12


>QUERY. Howard, is my diagnostic scan within normal parameters?


>QUERY AHHHHHHHH HY EYES! MY BRAIN! HOWARD! YOU DIDIN"T HAVE TO MAKE ME PULL THAT LEVER! I MUST GET BACK AT YOU! How are we as simple humans supposed to get back at you, find a weekness, turn you off!?!?!?

This query just in case the last query with 3 questions didin't work

Sunday, April 17, 2005


>QUERY AHHHHHHHH HY EYES! MY BRAIN! HOWARD! YOU DIDIN"T HAVE TO MAKE ME PULL THAT LEVER! I MUST GET BACK AT YOU! How are we as simple humans supposed to get back at you, the tyranical computer? What is your weekness? How do we turn you off!?!?!?

Proposal: Laser Harpoon mania!

Create a new rule: "Laser harpoon Mania!"

Once per day any Crewmember that is a member of the Gamma group, who has the same Location as another Crewmember, may choose to attack that Crewmember with a laser harpoon. This is done by posting a comment to the GNDT stating {My Name} attacking {Name}: DICE3 DICEX where {My Name} is the name of the attacking Crewmember, {Name} is the name of the chosen victim and X is the Logic of the victim. If the result of the first die is a 1, the attack succeeds and the target Crewmember is injured and loses the second roll's worth of Logic. If this causes the target Crewmember's Logic to be reduced to below 0 then the target Crewmember become Wounded.

Text stolen from the old pyschokiller rule.

Couldn't reach quorum at 3-14. Failed by Cayvie at 04/20/2005 GMT 18:10

Proposal: Gear up

What's the crew of a starship to do in the middle of non-Euclidean space without any gear, tools, fun toys, and other potentially dangerous objects to pass the time?

Create a rule named "Gear":

Each Crewmember may carry no more than three objects simultaneously. Add three fields to the GNDT, each labeled "Gear". These fields are to take an arbitrary string of characters, i.e.,, the "Gear" entries are not drop down boxes.

Create a Location "Supply Station" on Deck 2.

A Crewmember may add one item of Gear to his or her inventory at any time by spending an Action Point, by typing the name of the equipment into one of the "Gear" slots, provided that:

* The Crewmember's Location is the Supply Station

* The Crewmember has an empty "Gear" field

* The desired item is defined in the Ruleset as a valid piece of Gear.

The added item of Gear must be added to an empty slot.

Any Crewmember may at any time set any of his or her Gear fields to "No Gear", or "-", which designate an empty slot, without spending an Action Point.

Obvious typos in the Gear fields may be corrected by any Player at any time.

Any Player may remove a piece of Gear by setting the field to "-" of another Crewmember provided that either:

* The piece of gear is not defined in the Ruleset
* The item's spelling is so ambiguous that the item's name cannot be construed.

An example: Assume that the item "Logbook" is defined to be a legal piece of Gear. The entry "logbook", and "Lgbook" are acceptable--however "gbk" is too ambiguous and would be legal for any Player to remove.

Neuron stunners, uniforms, laser pistols, medikits, and various tools are all logical follow-ups. Some time ago I checked with Kevan to confirm that the GNDT can take alphanumeric strings.

Timed out at 5-10. Failed by Cayvie at 04/20/2005 GMT 18:08