Proposal: Queue de-queueing
This proposal is designed to eliminate the damage caused to the game by proposals which, for whatever reason, don't get a lot of votes or are fairly evenly split.
Delete rule 5, and replace with
Rule 5 -- Resolution
Quorum is equal to one half of the number of Crewmembers, rounding up. Resolution of a proposal is defined as the Enactment or Failure of a proposal.
A proposal may be Enacted by any admin, and the changes of that proposal upon the Gamestate and Rulestate effected, if:
A proposal may be maked as Failed by any Admin if:
A proposal whose effects depend on the passage or failure of another proposal may not be enacted until after the resolution of that proposal, regardless if one of the above criteria applies.
When resolving proposals, Admins must resolve older proposals in preference to newer ones, that is, the oldest proposal that is resolvable must be resolved first. When an admin marks a proposal as Enacted or Failed, e must note the following at the end of the text of the proposal:
End of text of proposed rule 5
In rule 4, append to the last paragraph "If the Crewmember who made a proposal votes AGAINST, e may not change eir vote"
In rule 3, replace "Proposals can be Pending, Enacted, Failed or Expired" with "Proposals can be Pending, Enacted or Failed"
Timed out at 2-9, with 1 Deferential. Failed by Cayvie at 04/21/2005 GMT 2:11
Delete rule 5, and replace with
Rule 5 -- Resolution
Quorum is equal to one half of the number of Crewmembers, rounding up. Resolution of a proposal is defined as the Enactment or Failure of a proposal.
A proposal may be Enacted by any admin, and the changes of that proposal upon the Gamestate and Rulestate effected, if:
1) The number of FOR votes exceed Quorum, and the proposal is more than 12 hours old
2) The number of FOR votes exceed the number of AGAINST votes, and the proposal is more than 48 hours old
A proposal may be maked as Failed by any Admin if:
1) The Computer has used the Imperial Veto on the proposal
2) The number of votes AGAINST (and explicit abstentions) are such that the proposal could not be Enacted without a change of vote by one or more Crewmembers, and the proposal is more than 12 hours old
3) The proposer has voted against it (this shall be referred to as a Self-Kill).
4) The proposal is more than 48 hours old, and does not meet the requirements for enactment
A proposal whose effects depend on the passage or failure of another proposal may not be enacted until after the resolution of that proposal, regardless if one of the above criteria applies.
When resolving proposals, Admins must resolve older proposals in preference to newer ones, that is, the oldest proposal that is resolvable must be resolved first. When an admin marks a proposal as Enacted or Failed, e must note the following at the end of the text of the proposal:
1) The final tally of votes for to against, or if the proposal was Vetoed or Self-Killed
2) The time of enactment
3) The name of the resolving Admin
End of text of proposed rule 5
In rule 4, append to the last paragraph "If the Crewmember who made a proposal votes AGAINST, e may not change eir vote"
In rule 3, replace "Proposals can be Pending, Enacted, Failed or Expired" with "Proposals can be Pending, Enacted or Failed"

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