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Monday, April 18, 2005

Proposal: s-m-r-t

This proposal is designed to allow crewmembers to increase their skills and grade.

To the list of devices and actions in Rule Buttons, Levers, inter alia... add "Switches -- Flipping"

To the list of machinery in Rule Machinery, add the following

Training Devices[Bridge, Sickbay, Bar, Engineering, Security Post] There are traning devices located in various locations around the ships, designed to allow crewmembers to increase their skills, as well as improve their grade. Each device can only be used by members of the applicable group, as follows, and as such, crewmembers not in a group may not use the training devices:

Alpha -- Bridge
Beta -- Sickbay
Gamma -- Bar
Delta -- Engineering
Epsilon -- Security Post

A Crewmbember who is Flipping the Switches on a Training Device that they are authorised to use may take one of the following actions no more than once per day, as long as they are not suffering from space madness:

E may post a comment to the GNDT stating "Skills Training: DiceX", where X = eir logic plus 5. If this is greater than eir current logic, ey may add the difference to their logic score; however, if the result is less than or equal to eir logic/20, rounding up, eir logic is reduced by two to reflect overtraining.

Alternatively, e may post a comment to the GNDT stating "Promotion test: DiceY" where Y = 5 + eir logic/10, rounding down. If this is strictly greater than their grade, they may add one to their grade (UCRCS[3]), as long as they have not done so in the past week.

This gives some way for people to improve their position on the caine, as well as offer people not in alpha to increase their logic. Furthermore, it encourages people in the various groups to congregate in locations applicable to their specialty. I picked the bar for group Gamma lacking any better places to put 'em. The fact that the groups line up sequentially with the decks was completely coincedental.

The promotions are based on the idea that competent people are more likely to be promoted, but I wanted to limit the speed at which people could be promoted.

Timed out at 6-4, with 3 Deferentials. Enacted by Cayvie at 04/21/2005 GMT 2:11