Proposal: In Case of Emergency, Smash Glass
Add a machine:
Enacted at 18-1. Enacted by Cayvie, 23rd of April at 14:36.
Jettison Thrusters [Escape Pod] If three Crewmembers are Pulling the Levers on the Jettison Thrusters, then the Escape Pod is blasted away from the ship, taking everyone inside along with itself, and the effects listed below occur. This is permanent; if the Crewmembers stop Pulling, all the following effects still occur:
1) The Escape Pod ceases to be located on a Deck, and is therefore not considered Adjacent to any other Locations.
2) No Machinery located elsewhere on the ship can affect either the Escape Pod or any Crewmember in it, nor may any Crewmember use the Teleport Console to get there.
3) No Crewmember in the Escape Pod can contact Howard.
4) The Caine's Alert status is changed to Red.
5) The Escape Pod holds enough supplies so that everyone inside can live comfortably for six days. After this time period has elapsed, once per day, any Crewmember may downgrade any Crewmember in the Escape Pod's Vitality by one grade.

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