Proposal: The Chain of Command...
Add to the Uniforms rule:
Passed 11-2 (Timed Out). Enacted by Smith, 22nd of April at 18:12.
If a Crewmember has a lower Rank than another Crewmember in the same Service Group they are a Subordinate of that Crewmember with higher authority, who is their Superior.(I don't know what the Gold Stars do. Pin them on your collar when you wear your dress uniform.)
If an Crewmember's Grade would be lowered below 0, their Officer Rank is removed and their Grade becomes 9. If they were not an Officer, then they are removed from their Service Group and their Rank and Grade are set to 'X'.
If a Crewmember's Grade would be increased above 9, they become an Officer of Grade 0. If they already had a rank of Officer then they get a Gold Star instead.
If a Service Group has no Crewmembers who are Officers, then the Crewmember with the highest Grade becomes an Officer of Grade 0.

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