Proposal: Please, Sir, Can I have S'more?
Assuming that the rules "Ships" and "Distance" pass, create a new rule, Supplies:
Assuming that the rules "Ships" and "Distance" pass, amend the "Distance" rule as follows: modify the section reading
I don't know about this, but it seems like a nifty concept, and worth debating. It's long, so I'm sure there are problems with it... but I think it has potential. What do you guys think? Comments before voting, please. I feel like this should be passed with the Captain rule, proposed above, as getting a consensus of the crew for every action would be both awkward and tedious.
Passed 13 to 0 by Brendan at 5:58 pm GMT, 3.11.2004. +10 to Axiallus, +2 to Brendan.
Each Ship has a quantity of Supplies, which is a nonnegative integer, is tracked in the GNDT, and starts at a value of 100, with no maximum value. If the amount of Supplies a Ship possesses would ever be set to a negative value, the value is instead set to 0 and the Morale of all Mariners on that Ship is reduced by 5 each.Again assuming that the rules "Ships" and "Distance" pass, create a new rule, Actions:
If over half the Mariners aboard a Ship consent, they may post to the blog stating an action they wish to take the next time the Poet implements Ships' Actions. Current Actions are as follows:
SAIL: The Distance value of the Ship is reduced by 5, and the Supplies value of the ship is reduced by twice the number of Mariners aboard the Ship.
RESUPPLY: The Supplies value of the ship is increased by eight times the number of Mariners on the Ship.
If no alternative Action is specified by a Ship, the Poet is to assume that the ship will Sail. More Actions may be created via valid proposals.
Assuming that the rules "Ships" and "Distance" pass, amend the "Distance" rule as follows: modify the section reading
Once every seven days, the Poet must reduce all Ships’ Distances by 5; this action has a recharge time of seven days. If he fails to do so, he may not take any other game actions until he reduces Ships' Distances read
Once every seven days, the Poet must execute the Actions legally chosen by all Ships; this action has a recharge time of seven days. If he fails to do so, he may not take any other game actions until he implements each Ship's Action appropriately.
I don't know about this, but it seems like a nifty concept, and worth debating. It's long, so I'm sure there are problems with it... but I think it has potential. What do you guys think? Comments before voting, please. I feel like this should be passed with the Captain rule, proposed above, as getting a consensus of the crew for every action would be both awkward and tedious.

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