Proposal: To The Brig, Ye Scurvy Dog!
If 'Proposal: AAIIEEEE!' passes, create the following Ailment:-
Also, add the following the rule entitled 'Captaincy':-
Timed out at 12:12 AM GMT, 3.15.2004. Enacted 5 to 0 by Satyr Eyes at 12:25 AM GMT, 3.15.2004. +10 to Royce, +2 to Satyr Eyes.
Imprisoned:Imprisoned Mariners are considered to belong to no Ship (except when considering that a Ship may only have 3 Imprisoned Mairners), for the duration of their imprisonment, and may not change Ships. Once per week, the Captain of the ship on which the Mariner is Imprisoned may decrease the Morale of the Imprisoned Mariner by 15.
Also, add the following the rule entitled 'Captaincy':-
The Captain may add or remove the Ailment of Imprisoned to any Mariner aboard his/her ship. A ship can only have a maximum of three Imprisoned Mariners, due to the small occupancy of the brig.

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