Proposal: Land Ho! [Trivial]
Assuming Proposal: Power Rangers passes, add to the description of the Sail Action:
First off, I don't think that just because a ship is moving too fast, it should be forced to miss a port; also, this allows the ships to move backwards. Granted, there isn't a real purpose for backwards movement yet, but I can envision there eventually being one, and in the interim, would it hurt? Comments welcome, preferably before voting.
Timed out at 2:32 AM, 3.14.2004. Enacted 8 to 1 by Satyr Eyes at 7:04 AM GMT, 3.14.2004. +2 to Axiallus, +1 to Satyr Eyes.
If the Captain of a Ship so chooses, he may opt, by way of an email to the Poet explaining his intention, to use an integer with absolute value less than their Ship's Speed to determine the Distance moved when this Action is executed.
First off, I don't think that just because a ship is moving too fast, it should be forced to miss a port; also, this allows the ships to move backwards. Granted, there isn't a real purpose for backwards movement yet, but I can envision there eventually being one, and in the interim, would it hurt? Comments welcome, preferably before voting.

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