Proposal: I Can't Rhyme
Alter Rule 13, appending the following to the list of gods:
Timed out at 9:13 PM GMT 3.13.2004; failed 6 to 8 by Satyr Eyes at 6:48 AM GMT on 3.14.2004. Brendan is idle; +1 to Satyr Eyes.
Eris, goddess of discord. A successful Prayer Roll allows the Praying Mariner to reduce the Morale of each Mariner on any Ship by an amount equal to the Prayer Roll.
Hera, goddess of holding grudges. A successful Prayer Roll allows the Praying Mariner's Ship to swap Distances with another Ship, provided that Ship is not more than 5 Distance away from the Praying Mariner's Ship.
Jeff, god of biscuits. A successful Prayer Roll will increase the amount of Supplies on the Praying Mariner's Ship by twice the Prayer Roll.

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