Proposal: Don't Blame Me, I Voted For You [Trivial]
Alter the sentence of Rule 16 that reads
to read
I started this to let Mariners vote for themselves, but it seemed prudent to add some basic voting rules in too.
Passed 12 to 0 by Satyr Eyes at 6:40 AM GMT, 3.14.2004. Brendan is idle; +1 to Satyr Eyes.
If a Ship has no Captain, any Mariner on that Ship may call for a 48-hour vote, during which other Mariners on that Ship may vote for any Mariner on the Ship.
to read
If a Ship has no Captain, any Mariner on that Ship may call for a 48-hour vote, during which all Mariners on that Ship may vote for any Mariner on the Ship. Once a 48-hour vote is called, no other 48-hour vote may be called for for that Ship until the first 48-hour vote is resolved. If any Mariner votes more than once during a given 48-hour vote, only the most recent of his or her votes is counted. Votes must be of the format "I vote for X.", where X is the name of a Mariner on that Ship, to be valid.
I started this to let Mariners vote for themselves, but it seemed prudent to add some basic voting rules in too.

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