Proposal: Captain Removal
Add to the end of Rule 16, Captaincy:
Create a new Action, Idle:
Create a new Rule, Mutiny:
One thing I considered was working Warriors in, allowing them to have two votes on the mutiny or something... but I wasn't sure how it would turn out. What do you think? A few changes made, to mesh with Satyr Eyes' suggestion.
Passed 11 to 0 by Satyr Eyes at 6:55 AM GMT, 3.14.2004. +10 to Axiallus; +2 to Satyr Eyes.
A Captain may voluntarily forfeit his position at any time. This action signals the beginning of a new 48-hour vote to determine the new Captain, as described above.
Create a new Action, Idle:
Idle: The Ship's Supplies are decreased by twice the number of Mariners on that Ship.
Create a new Rule, Mutiny:
If any Mariner on a Ship deems it necessary, they may declare a Mutiny on their Ship by making a post entitled "Mutiny on the (Name of Mariner's Ship)", and preferably including a rationale for the Mutiny. The other Mariners on that Ship have 72 hours to register a vote of For or Against; if at the end of this period the number of For votes outnumbers the Against votes, the Mutiny succeeds. Following a successful Mutiny, a Ship's next Action is always set to Idle. This Action cannot be changed until the Poet next executes Ships' Actions. If the Mutiny succeeds, the former Captain is relieved of his position, and is ineligible to be the next Captain. If a Mutiny succeeds, the former Captain loses 25 Morale, and all Mariners voting against the Mutiny lose 10 Morale each, whereas those Mariners voting for the Mutiny gain 10 Morale each; if the Mutiny fails, the instigator of the Mutiny attempt loses 25 Morale, and all Mariners voting for the Mutiny lose 10 Morale each, whereas those voting against the Mutiny gain 10 Morale each.
One thing I considered was working Warriors in, allowing them to have two votes on the mutiny or something... but I wasn't sure how it would turn out. What do you think? A few changes made, to mesh with Satyr Eyes' suggestion.

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