Proposal: A Job Well Done [Trivial]
This Proposal fixes several serious bugs in Joranj's two recently-enacted Proposals, regarding Jobs and Speed.
Add to the Rule "Jobs:"
Timed out at 9:10 PM GMT, 3.14.2004. Enacted 6 to 0 by Satyr Eyes at 9:39 PM GMT, 3.14.2004. +3 to Satyr Eyes.
Add to the Rule "Jobs:"
The Job held by each Mariner is tracked in a GNDT column entitled "Jobs."Amend the portion of the Rule "Gods" reading "A Mariner may pray to their God or Goddess" to read
A Priest may pray to their God or Goddess . . .Amend the Rule "Jobs" to add to the description of the Captain:
The Captain has a Speed of 5.And finally, amend the Rule "Speed" to add:
Mariners whose Speeds are not otherwise specified have Speeds of 0.The penultimate edit may look a little obscure. What this will do is give any Ship with a Captain a default Speed of 5, which Joranj's Proposal never did. My apologies, by the way, for not catching this stuff until it was way too late to change it.

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