Proposal: Job of work
Add a rule, Jobs:
On the passing of this rule, all Mariners may select a job free of the restriction in the last paragraph. There is no time limit attributed to this grace period.
If Proposal: Let Us Pray passes, change the first line to read:
Yes, advanced jobs should be another rule.
Timed out at 7:01 PM GMT 3.12.2004, 9 to 1. Enacted by Satyr Eyes at 8:55 PM GMT 3.12.2004, somewhat problematically. This Proposal did not create a GNDT field tracking Jobs; at the moment there's no way to officially track Jobs. Further, the change to rules on Prayer did not go off as intended; this Proposal changed only the already-enacted "Let Us Pray" Proposal, not the rule "Gods." Therefore all Mariners may still Pray. +10 to Joranj, +2 to SatyrEyes.
Any Mariner may choose one Job for themselves. Jobs and there effects are listed below.Basic Jobs:
Deckhand. Once every week, for every Deckhand on the Ship, the Captain may subtract 1 from the ships Distance.
Priest. The Priest may increase one other Mariner's morale by 5, once per week. Performing this action gains the Priest 2 Morale. There may only be a maximum of 2 Priests on a ship at any one time.
Warrior. The Warrior is not affected by global Morale modifiers. The Warrior's Morale may only be changed if he or she, or his or her ship, is specifically targetted.
One the Mariner has occupied a basic job for two weeks, they may be choose to move on to one of the relevant advanced job. Advance jobs are listed below:
Any Admin may remove this line when the first Advamced Job is added.
The Captain of each ship may not choose a Job. They automatically take the job of 'Captain' and may not change it until they cease to be Captain.Captain. Once every 7 days, the Captain my post a comment to the GNDT, saying either 'Loud' or 'Quiet'. At any point after the end of those 7 days, the Captain may adjust the Morale of all the Mariners on his or her ship, as follows:
-If the Captain posted 'Quiet', all Mariners with a higher Morale than the Captain loose 5 Morale, and all Mariners with a lower Morale than the Captain gain 5 Morale.
-If the Captain posted 'Loud', all Mariners with a higher Morale than the Captain gain 5 Morale, and all Mariners with a lower Morale than the Captain loose 5 Morale.
Captains are immune to global or group Morale modifiers; the Captain's Morale may only be changed if he or she is specifically targetted.
Any Mariner (unless otherwise stated) may change their job to any Basic job at any time. However, they may not use any of their new job's abilities until they have been in that job for at least 5 days.
On the passing of this rule, all Mariners may select a job free of the restriction in the last paragraph. There is no time limit attributed to this grace period.
If Proposal: Let Us Pray passes, change the first line to read:
A Priest may pray to their God or Goddess on behalf of their Ship,
Yes, advanced jobs should be another rule.

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