Proposal: Power Rangers
Fails if "Rosy-Fingered Dawn Rises" fails.
Create a new rule, Speed:
If Proposal: And it is, it is, a Glorious Thing... passes, change the last paragraph to read:
If Proposal: Please, Sir, Can I have S'more? passes, edit the following:
If it does not, edit the part of Rule: Distance that reads:
Any rule which requires any Mariner other than the Poet to adjust Distance must be changed so that it affects Speed instead. In every such case, references to addition of subtraction must be reversed as necessary to retain the original intention of the rule. This may be left to the enacting Admin's discression, subject to a call to judgement.
If Proposal: Let Us Pray passes, it is not affected by any of the above.
Timed out at 9:18 PM GMT 3.12.2004; enacted 10 to 0 by Satyr Eyes at 9:22 PM GMT, 3.12.2004. Once again, this was problematic because the amendment to Please, Sir, Can I Have S'More affects the Proposal, not the Rule it created. +10 to Joranj, +2 to Satyr Eyes.
Create a new rule, Speed:
Each ship and each Mariner has a Speed, which is tracked in the 'Speed' column of the GNDT. Mariners use the 'Speed column to notate the sum of all modifiers upon them that affect the amount of Distance that the Poet must deduct. The figure in the 'Speed' column of the ship is the sum of the speed of all its Mariners, plus any modifiers that may be applied to the ship as a whole.
It is every Mariner's duty to ensure that their Speed and the Speed of their Ship is accurate and up-to-date. If it is found not to be, the Poet may levy an optional and descressional 15 Morale forfeit to any and all offending Mariners.
If Proposal: And it is, it is, a Glorious Thing... passes, change the last paragraph to read:
It is every Mariner's duty to ensure that their Speed is accurate and up-to-date. It is also the duty of the Captain to ensure that the Speed of their Ship is accurate and up to date. If it is found not to be, the Poet may levy an optional and descressional 15 Morale forfeit to any and all offending Mariners.
If Proposal: Please, Sir, Can I have S'more? passes, edit the following:
SAIL: The Distance value of the Ship is reduced by 5,to read:
SAIL: The Distance value of the Ship is reduced by its Speed,
If it does not, edit the part of Rule: Distance that reads:
Once every seven days, the Poet must reduce all Ships Distances by 5;to read:
Once every seven days, the Poet must reduce all Ships Distances by their Speed, plus a default of 5;
Any rule which requires any Mariner other than the Poet to adjust Distance must be changed so that it affects Speed instead. In every such case, references to addition of subtraction must be reversed as necessary to retain the original intention of the rule. This may be left to the enacting Admin's discression, subject to a call to judgement.
If Proposal: Let Us Pray passes, it is not affected by any of the above.

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