Proposal: Either e's alive or...
I think this will fix the problem Kevan noticed in the message where he announced my arrival. Please pardon any mistakes, this is my first proposal.
Change the section of rule 21 that reads:
Crewmembers begin with the UCSRS XXX-XXX.
Crewmembers begin with the UCSRS XXX-XXH.
and change the section
UCSRS[6] contains the initial letter of a Crewmember's vitality state (i.e. either of H, S, W, or D).
UCSRS[6] contains the initial letter of a Crewmember's vitality state (i.e. either of H, S, W, or D). If a Crewmember's UCSRS[6] s-code is X, e may change it to H at any time.
The second change may not be necessary if the UCSRS tracks statuses as opposed to defining them, however, since the rules do not actually state that all crew members start healthy, in order for me to change my UCSRS I still think I need some rule change or clarification.
Passed 14-0 (Reached Quorum). Enacted by Smith, 29th of April at 00:44.
Change the section of rule 21 that reads:
Crewmembers begin with the UCSRS XXX-XXX.
Crewmembers begin with the UCSRS XXX-XXH.
and change the section
UCSRS[6] contains the initial letter of a Crewmember's vitality state (i.e. either of H, S, W, or D).
UCSRS[6] contains the initial letter of a Crewmember's vitality state (i.e. either of H, S, W, or D). If a Crewmember's UCSRS[6] s-code is X, e may change it to H at any time.
The second change may not be necessary if the UCSRS tracks statuses as opposed to defining them, however, since the rules do not actually state that all crew members start healthy, in order for me to change my UCSRS I still think I need some rule change or clarification.

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