Proposal: Finer teleporting
In Rule 16 - Machinery, change:
Self-Kill. Failed by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:32
Teleport Console [Teleport Chamber, Crew Dorms] - Anyone who is Pulling its Levers in the Teleporte Console may ignore deck restrictions when moving themselves. Anyone who is Pushing the Teleport Console’s Buttons may choose a Location and move all Crew from that Location to the Teleport Chamber, no more than once per day.
Teleport Console [Teleport Chamber, Crew Dorms] - Anyone who is Pulling its Levers in the Teleporte Console may move emself to anywhere in the Caine. Any Crewmwmber who is not member of Alpha or Delta Groups and is Pushing the Teleport Console’s Buttons may choose a Location and move all Crew from that Location to the Teleport Chamber. Any Crewmwmber who is a member of either Alpha or Delta Group and is Pushing the Teleport Console’s Buttons may choose two Locations and move all Crew from the first Location to the second one. The same Crewmember may not use the Teleport Console more than once per day.

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