Proposal: Beta Makeover
(Using the Laser Display Board to post a 3rd proposal.)
Change the Beta Service Group description in the Rule 17 - Service Groups to:
Change the Medibank in Rule 16 - Machinery to read:
I'm continuing with the Spivak pronouns for consistency.
13-3. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:16
Change the Beta Service Group description in the Rule 17 - Service Groups to:
The Beta Group consists of nurses, doctors, and medics. Any member of the Beta Group may, while moving, move a Stunned, Wounded or Dead Crewmember with em by spending another Action Point. By spending 2 Action Points a Beta Group member can use eir medikit to change the Vitality of a Crewmember in the same Location from Stunned to Healthy or increase that Crewmember's Logic by 5 points if it is below 10.
Change the Medibank in Rule 16 - Machinery to read:
Medibank [Sickbay] If a Crewmember belongs to the Beta Service Group and they are Pushing the Buttons on the Medibank, then they may restore any Stunned or Wounded Crew in the Sickbay (besides themselves) to a Healthy state. If healed from being Wounded or Dead, a Crew Member's Daily Points are set to the initial new-Crew value.
I'm continuing with the Spivak pronouns for consistency.

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