Proposal: Nice Red Uniforms
[ Getting back up to speed with events on the Caine, I had to read Rule 26 a few times to work out what Ranks and Grades actually did.
Here's a simplification; I don't think it changes any of the mechanics, apart from removing 'X' as a valid but vague Grade. ]
Reword Rule 26 (Uniforms) to:-
14-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:22
Here's a simplification; I don't think it changes any of the mechanics, apart from removing 'X' as a valid but vague Grade. ]
Reword Rule 26 (Uniforms) to:-
Each Crewmember has a Rank ("Officer" or "non-Officer") and a Grade (0-9), which confer authority over Crewmembers of lower Ranks and Grades, in the following way:-
- An Officer always outranks a non-Officer.
- If two Crewmembers have the same Rank, and are in the same Service Group, then the Crewmember with the highest Grade number outranks the other.
- Crewmembers of the same Rank in different Service Groups have no authority over one another.
(An outranking Crewmember is "Superior", an outranked Crewmember is "Subordinate".)
If an Crewmember's Grade would be lowered below 0, their Officer Rank is removed and their Grade becomes 9. If they were not an Officer, then they are removed from their Service Group and their Rank is set to 'X'.
If a Crewmember's Grade would be increased above 9, they become an Officer of Grade 0. If they already had a rank of Officer then they get a Gold Star instead.
If a Service Group has no Crewmembers who are Officers, then the Crewmember with the highest Grade (if one exists) becomes an Officer of Grade 0.

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