Proposal: Robot Clarifications
(I have self-cancelled two of my proposals. Neither has been formally failed by admins. I hope no one objects to my posting this.)
Replace the text of Rule "Service Robots" with
Further: Gobleteer now has 3 action points and is in the Teleporter room with the action "Pulling", as e was at the beginning before any actions involving Service robots at all. I'm too confused to sort it out.
2-7. Timed out. Failed by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:19
Replace the text of Rule "Service Robots" with
There are service Robots on board the Caine. They are tracked in the GNDT as if they are Crewmembers, with name ‘Rnnn’ where ‘nnn’ is a serial number issued upon Robot creation. The Robots are not Crewmembers unless otherwise specified. They may not take part of any Group, and do not have a Vitality or Logic rating. They have 5 Daily Points.
If a Robot has not been moved during the current day, any Crewmember in the same Location as that Robot may take control of it, by posting a comment to the GNDT to that effect. Taking control of a robot costs that Crewmember one Action Point and causes the controlled Robot’s Action Points to be reset to its Daily Points. Once the Robot is under eir control, the controlling Crewmember may move the Robot or use it to control Machinery. The controlling Crewmember continues to control the Robot even after the Robot leaves the Crewmembers current Location. The Robot moves and operates Machinery in the same way as a Crewmember.
Once further indented.
1. It may be teleported as a Crewmember.
2. It may spend 1 AP to move to a linked area, with any restrictions on Crewmembers such as Escape Pod limits and Cell Prohibitions standing.
3. It may operate machinery, but not consume food, etc.
4. The controlling crewmemember may issue a command to set the robot's AP equal to daily points once per day.
5. It may be repaired by a Delta Group Crewmember as any other piece of machinery. For each repairs its Daily points increase by 1, to a maximum of 5.
6. A robot will not carry out any command that would cause it to break a law.
7. If the robot is not on the Caine(as if it is on a launched Escape Pod), it may out any commands unless otherwise stated, even if its commanding Crewmember is in the same area. A robot may not move itself to any area outside the Caine without the aid of machinery.
If a test against a Logic score is mandated in order to use Machinery, a Robot fails that test automatically.
Further: Gobleteer now has 3 action points and is in the Teleporter room with the action "Pulling", as e was at the beginning before any actions involving Service robots at all. I'm too confused to sort it out.

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