Proposal: Various maladies
Add a new rule named "PSCD"
I had something like this in mind earlier, but I don't have the same scope to amend the ruleset as I used to any more. I was going to include the earlier clause about "machine checks", but it would be senseless to duplicate the checks that are already built in to some of the machines. Perhaps some standardization of such checks is in order.
Since "Profoundly Disturbed" appears as if it will pass, this change would add some inertia to the game.
4-8. Timed out. Failed by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:21
"One of the side effects of cryogenic freezing is post-cryogenic stress disorder (PSCD). PSCD has a number of somatic causes and it is unfortunate that approximately 3/5 cryogenically stored human beings will experience symptoms at some point in time. There is no known cure for the disorder, but modern medical technology is capable of alleviating some of the more common symptoms .
One per day, the Computer may select three Crewmembers at random from the roster and check them for PSCD, by making a comment 'PSCD Check, Crewmember X DICE5' to the GNDT, where X is the name of the selected Crewmember. If the DICE5 roll is equal to 4 or 5, that Crewmember suffers damage from PSCD and loses DICE2 Logic points.
Any Crewmember in the Sickbay who has lost Logic points to PSCD may attempt to regain them by posting 'PCSD Medical Evaluation DICE3' to the GNDT and spending one Action Point. If the DICE3 roll is 1, that Crewmember may return his or her logic rating to pre-PSCD levels."
I had something like this in mind earlier, but I don't have the same scope to amend the ruleset as I used to any more. I was going to include the earlier clause about "machine checks", but it would be senseless to duplicate the checks that are already built in to some of the machines. Perhaps some standardization of such checks is in order.
Since "Profoundly Disturbed" appears as if it will pass, this change would add some inertia to the game.

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