Proposal: Epsilon Makeover Revamped
If Proposal: Epsilon Makeover passed, this proposal does nothing
Change the Epsilon Service Group descriptions in the Rule 17 - Service Groups to:
Remove Rule 23 - Police State.
In Rule 10 - Crewmembers, change:
This applies Smith’s modifications without making stunned status so hard. I like Spivaks, btw. I liked the hr thing very much, too. I guess I’ll adopt it.
13-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:25
Change the Epsilon Service Group descriptions in the Rule 17 - Service Groups to:
The Epsilon Group consists of guards, inspectors, and enforcers. Any member of the Epsilon Group may spend an Action Point to use eir neural stunner on a Crewmember in the same Location as em. Using the neural stunner on a Healthy Crewmember changes eir Vitality to Stunned. It has no effect on Stunned, Wounded, or Dead Crewmembers.
A member of Epsilon Group may spend an Action Point move a Crewmember in eir Location to an adjacent Location, provided that the move is one the Epsilon Crewmember could make.
Remove Rule 23 - Police State.
In Rule 10 - Crewmembers, change:
If a Crew Member is Stunned, they may not move between Locations. If a Crew Member becomes Wounded or Dead, their Daily Points are reduced to zero.
If a Crew Member is Stunned, they may not move between Locations. If a Crew Member becomes Wounded or Dead, their Daily Points are reduced to zero.
If a Crew Member becomes Stunned, Wounded or Dead eir current Action is set to "-" and eir Action Points are reduced to zero.
This applies Smith’s modifications without making stunned status so hard. I like Spivaks, btw. I liked the hr thing very much, too. I guess I’ll adopt it.

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