Proposal: Beta drugs
Using the LDB.
In rule 16 – Machinery, change
In rule 20 – Wonder Drugs, change:
To the same rule, add:
Self-Kill. Failed by Chronos at 04/27/2005 GMT 13:31
In rule 16 – Machinery, change
Nanotechnological Drug Synthesizer [Sickbay, Crew Dorms] A Crewmember who is Turning the Knobs here may create a drug described in the Ruleset by stating the desired one in the GNDT comments field. Drugs may be consumed in the place they are created and are desintegrated if the Crewmember who created it moves elsewhere.
Nanotechnological Drug Synthesizer [Sickbay, Crew Dorms] A Crewmember who is Turning the Knobs here may create a drug described in the Ruleset by stating the desired one in the GNDT comments field.
In rule 20 – Wonder Drugs, change:
A Crewmember may only minister a drug in another one if another rule in the Ruleset allows e so.
A Crewmember may only consume a drug or minister it in another one if the Ruleset allows e so. Consuming or ministering a drug is considered the same to using it.
To the same rule, add:
Drugs may be consumed by the Crewmember that created them in the place they are created and are desintegrated if that Crewmember moves elsewhere, unless that Crewmember is member of Beta Group.
A member of Beta Group is considered to be carrying any drugs e has created and not used since the last time e reset eir AP’s. Any drugs carried by a member of Beta Group are disintegrated when that Crewmember reset eir AP’s.
A member of Beta Group may minister a drug e is carrying, provided the Crewmember being ministered the drug is not Healthy.

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