Proposal: Better evaluation
Using the LDB to normalize evaluation.
In rule 27 – Orders, change:
4-6. Timed out. Failed by Chronos at 05/02/2005 GMT 14:32
In rule 27 – Orders, change:
Once per week, an Officer may be reviewed by their Subordinates. Either the Officer or any of their Subordinates may begin the Performance Evaluation by posting to the blog with the format "[Service Group] Evaluate: [Officer Name]". Each Subordinate may respond once, including a FOR, AGAINST, or DEFERENTIAL vote. Each FOR vote increases the Officer's Grade by 1, each AGAINST vote decreases it by 1, and DEFERENTIAL votes have no effect.
If the officer in question loses sufficient grades that e is no longer an officer, and there are no other officers in the same Service Group, then a new Officer shall be chosen at random from amongst the members of the service group by any Admin staff not in that group, excluding the just-demoted officer.
Once per week, an Officer may be reviewed by their Subordinates. Either the Officer or any of their Subordinates may begin the Performance Evaluation by posting to the blog with the format "[Service Group] Evaluate: [Officer Name]". Each Subordinate may respond once, including a FOR, AGAINST, or DEFERENTIAL vote.
The evaluation must be tallied 48 hours after its posting, or when all subordinates have voted, whatever happens first. When tallying, each FOR vote increases the Officer's grade by 1, each AGAINST vote decreases it by 1, and DEFERENTIAL votes have no effect. After the tallying, any Crewmember in the same Group as the evaluated Officer who failed to vote on the evaluation may be downgraded by 2 levels. Any Crewmember in the same group as the Officer being evaluated may apply the grade changes to the GNDT.
If an Officer loses sufficient grades in eir evaluation that e ceases to be an Officer, and there are no other Officers in the same Service Group, then the most graded non-Officer Member of that group, excluding the just-demoted Officer, shall be promoted to Officer, with Grade 0. If there are more than one Crewmembers tied as the most graded in the Group, then any Crewmember may choose between them by rolling a DICEX, where X is the number of tied Crewmembers and promote the DICEXth tied Crewmember, in the same order they appear in the GNDT.

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