Proposal: Officer Makeover
To Rule 26 - Uniforms add:
Rewrite the Laser Display Board description in Rule 16 - Machinery so it reads:
To Rule 18 - Action Points add:
In Rule 27 - Orders, change:
7-3. Timed Out. Enacted by Chronos at 04/29/2005 GMT 17:49
An Officer may have up to three Proposals pending. (Any extra Proposals remain legal if the proposer stops being an Officer.)
Rewrite the Laser Display Board description in Rule 16 - Machinery so it reads:
Laser Display Board [Briefing Room] - An non-Officer Crewmember Pushing the Buttons on the Laser Display Board may have up to three Proposals pending. An Officer Crewmember Pushing the Buttons on the Laser Display Board may have up to four Proposals pending. (Any extra Proposals remain legal if the proposer stops using the Laser Display Board.)
To Rule 18 - Action Points add:
A non-Officer Crewmember reseting eir Action Points when in the same Location as an Officer of eir group is considered to have had a morale boost and receives 1 extra Action Point for doing so.
In Rule 27 - Orders, change:
By spending an Action Point an Officer may issue an Order to a Subordinate. This is done by posting a comment to the GNDT of the format "***ORDER [Subordinate Name]: [Order Action]"
Once a day, an Officer may issue Orders to any number eir Subordinates. If an Officer performs any other GNDT action after issuing an order, e is considered to be done with eir orders for the current day, and may not issue any more orders in that day.
An order is issued by posting comments to the GNDT in the format "***ORDER [Subordinate Name]: [Order Action]". An Officer may only issue Orders to Subordinates in the same Location as em.

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