Proposal: I Shouldn't Be Allowed to Do This [trivial]
We all love the Super Villain very much (except those of us who are committed to ending her reign at all costs), but she's only human.
Amend the second-most-abusable Super-Power in the game, "Anti-Anagramity," to read:
Passed 16 to 0 by Brendan at 9:48 pm GMT on 3.4.2004. +2 to Satyr Eyes, +1 to Brendan.
Amend the second-most-abusable Super-Power in the game, "Anti-Anagramity," to read:
When another Hero uses a Super-Power to alter the GNDT stats of a Hero with Anti-Anagramity, that Hero may choose to use Anti-Anagramity within 12 hours of the change and before taking any other action. When used, Anti-Anagramity reverses, as nearly as possible, all GNDT stat changes directly caused by the Super-Power to which it is applied. (For instance, if the Super-Power caused the Hero to lose twenty Power to another Hero, Anti-Anagramity causes the other Hero to lose twenty power to the Hero using Anti-Anagramity.) This Super-Power has a recharge time of 24 hours. Anti-Anagramity costs 5 Power if the Super-Power it reverses did not affect the Hero's Power. However, if the Super-Power did affect the Hero's Power, then Anti-Anagramity costs 1/2 of the Power that the Super-Power originally removed.Amend the Rule called "Emergencies" to add the following, at the end of the paragraph regarding Power-Ups:
The Hero may claim the Super-Power beginning twenty-four hours after the Super Villain posts a description of the Super-Power to the blog, unless six or more Heroes object to the Super-Power by using the NAY icon in comments during this time. In this case, the Super-Power is withdrawn and the Super Villain must draw up a new one as per the guidelines in this rule.

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