Proposal: Pay For What You Get [Trivial]
Should Proposal: Money Makes Everything Easier pass, replace the section of Rule 16 that says
Should this Proposal pass, Brendan shall receive no Power for its passage.
... which should eliminate the Hot Potato and Katastrophe problems simultaneously. I would have edited MMEE to insert this if I could, so it's a no-reward prop.
Passed 16 to 0 at 5:03 pm GMT, 3.7.2004. +0 to Brendan.
nor may any Super-Power that can be freely traded to another Hero be sacrificed.
nor may any Super-Power be sacrificed if a) its owner did not bid for it, and b) it was not granted by the Super-Villain.
Should this Proposal pass, Brendan shall receive no Power for its passage.
... which should eliminate the Hot Potato and Katastrophe problems simultaneously. I would have edited MMEE to insert this if I could, so it's a no-reward prop.

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