Proposal: This really is the last time I'm submitting this SOaB [TRIVIAL]
In the nearby MegaTropoGotham City 1, a nuclear meltdown has simultaniously killed all the superheroes and created Katastrophe, a Super Villian of immense power. Having terrorised and eventually destroyed MegaTropoGotham City 1, Katastrophe is now roaming the cities of the area, killing the super heroes of the region and dominating the villianous circles.
Create a new rule, entitled Katastrophe.
First three paragraphs auto-repeal, and there may only be one Katastrophe. Please to God, no more loopholes.
Enacted (finally!) by Damanor (14 to 0) +2 to Joranj, +1 to Damanor.
Create a new rule, entitled Katastrophe.
If any Hero, including the Super Villian, ever has more than 220 points of Power, and the mean average Power of all the Heroes in the game is greater than 150, then Katastrophe arrives to make his mark on the city.
Immediately upon his arrival, Katastrophe kills the Hero with the lowest amount of Power. The player who controlled that Hero now controls Katastrophe as his or her Hero instead. It is Katastrophe's sworn duty to kill or damage as much as possible.
He or she then also strips the Hero who previously had the highest power of 3/4 of their total power (rounded up), and two Super Powers of his or her choice. Once all of the above has taken place, the first three paragraphs of this rule repeal themselves and may be deleted by any Admin.
Katastrophe initially has a Power of 350, an Evil allegiance, and has every other player as his or her ArchEnemy. Katastrophe's Powers are as follows:Massive Leap: The Hero can jump exactly 40ft. He or she has no control over this ability, and so may not jump any distance (greater than, say, a long step) other than exactly 40ft.
Meteo: Can expend 30 Power to rip a boulder the size of a bus from the earth and throw it at another Hero, dealing 10 Power damage and knocking them out entirely. That Hero is unable to use Super Powers for 24 hours.
Titanium Exoskeleton: Any Power damage that would be dealt to this Hero by another Hero's Super Power is halved.
Severence: The Hero may spend 100 Power and strip one super power from one other Hero. This power may only be used once per week.
Lingering Payne: Causes 10 Power damage to target Hero. Can only be used on a Hero stunned by Meteo. May only be used once per Hero per 24 hour period.
Dark Nite: All active Heroes loose 15 Power. Has a recharge time of 24 hours. May only be used between 20h00 and 06h00 GMT.
There may only ever be one Katastrophe at a time. If Katastrophe is every reduced to 0 Power, he is kiled, and the player may resurrect their previous Hero (or start a new one). In either case, their Hero has 100 Power and no super powers. In that event, this rule automatically repeals itself.
First three paragraphs auto-repeal, and there may only be one Katastrophe. Please to God, no more loopholes.

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