Proposal: You Again?
Add the following rule, entitled Confrontations
This is pretty basic. Let me know if you have any ideas how we can spruce it up!
Timed out 6 to 6. Failed by Brendan at 8:17 pm GMT, 3.1.2004. -5 to Orkboi, +1 to Brendan.
Whenever a hero and his/her archenemy respond to the same emergency, that hero has the option of confronting their foe. This is done by making a GNDT post with the words "Kapow: archenemy name DICE." For each superpower the hero uses in the confrontation (paying appropriate costs, etc.), they may add 1 to the dice roll. This is seperate from any use of the superpower in the emergency. If the result of the roll is a 4 or better, the hero gains 10 power and their archenemy loses 5. If the result is 3 or less, they lose 10 and their archenemy gains 5.
This is pretty basic. Let me know if you have any ideas how we can spruce it up!

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