Proposal : SlowDown [Trivial][Superpower Proposal]
Create a new Super-Power entitled Slow
When this proposal is enacted, replace X in the superpowers description with the amount of the winning bid.
Enacted by Damanor (15 to 0) on 3 Mar at 15:20; +2 to ChinDoGu, +1 to Damanor, superpower goes to Axiallus for 20.
By paying X power, a possessor of this Superpower may Slow a single Player's Superpower, which must have a recharge time and be currently recharging. When a Slowed Superpower finishes recharging, it requires a further recharge time equal to its normal recharge time before it can be used again, and is no longer considered Slowed. A superpower that has been slowed may not be slowed again during this extra recharge time.
When this proposal is enacted, replace X in the superpowers description with the amount of the winning bid.

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