Proposal: Building blocks
Create a rule, entitled Landmarks:
Upon enactment, create a new player and a new field in the GNDT, both called 'Landmarks'. The initial number of landmarks is 4.
Add the following to the list of Super Powers:
Sorry for the long post. I actually have more ideas for this, but they'll take the form of amendments. For now, this is as simple as I could make it. Obviously, comments welcome.
Self-killed; failed by Brendan at 4:00 pm GMT on 3.2.2004. -5 to Joranj, +1 to Brendan.
There exists a certain number of Landmark buildings in the City. The number of standing buildings is tracked in the GNDT. Any Villian may, at any time, destory one of these Landmarks to instantly gain 20 Power. After destroying a Landmark, the Villian may not destroy another Landmark, nor use any Super Power, for 48 hours. If an Emergency is called within those 48 hours, they may not participate in that Emergency at all.
A Good-aligned Hero may, at any time, build a new Landmark by expending 25 Power. Following the building of a Landmark, the Hero may not build another Landmark, nor use any Super Power, for 48 hours. If an Emergency is called within those 48 hours, they may not participate in that Emergency at all.
If 0 Landmarks are standing, and there have been none for over 24 hours, any Villian may declare Apocalyptica (by posting to BlogNomic. All good and non-aligned Heroes loose 100 Power (to a minimum of 5 Power), and this rule repeals itself.
If 1 Landmark are standing, all good-aligned Heroes may use Keen Sight.
If 2 Landmarks are standing, all good-aligned Heroes may use Beekeeper.
If 5 Landmarks are standing, all good-aligned Heroes may use Hot Foot.
If 8 Landmarks are standing, all good-aligned Heroes may use Secret Identity
If 12 Landmarks are standing, all good-aligned Heroes may use Laser Eye Vision.
If 15 or more Landmarks are standing, all good-aligned Heroes may use No, Wait.
Upon enactment, create a new player and a new field in the GNDT, both called 'Landmarks'. The initial number of landmarks is 4.
Add the following to the list of Super Powers:
Keen Sight: [Genetic] Hero has greater than normal vision.
Beekeeper: [Psychic] Hero may summon a swarm of bees. Bees take 12 hours to arrive.
Hot Foot: [Global] Hero has the ability to make the ground hot. Causes 1 Power damage to all Heroes. Has a recharge time of 10 hours.
Secret Identity: Hero may assume his or her Secret Identity at any time by making a GNDT entry to the effect. While under the effects of the Secret Identity, the Hero is immune to all Power damage, except from that derived from rules 1-11. Hero may not use Super Powers while in their Secret Identity; nor may they be in their Secret Identity at any time while involved in an Emergency, or else be immediately removed from contention. A Hero may not be in their Secret Identity for more than 4 hours per GMT day.
Laser Eye Vision: [Genetic] Hero may shoot lasers from eyes. Cost of 10 Power. Causes 20 Power damage to target Hero. Has a 12 hour recharge time.
No, Wait: Hero's recharge times are halved. If a Hero looses this Super Power, the remaining time of any outstanding Recharges is doubled.
Sorry for the long post. I actually have more ideas for this, but they'll take the form of amendments. For now, this is as simple as I could make it. Obviously, comments welcome.

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