Proposal: Foiled Again!
This just in! The city's scientists have discovered, by liberal use of their newly-sprouted centrifuge appendages, that the "radioactive waste" thought to have caused the recent spate of mutations is in fact XENONITE. Xenonite is a substance heretofore talked of only in conspiracy chat rooms, and then only in whispers. It is said to be the liquefied remains of the faraway planet Xenon and to grant miraculous powers to all who come in contact with it.
The appearance of the Xenonite mysteriously coincides with the appearance of the Super Villain, Keitalia Malifica. Those who lurk in the shadows say that the Malice Queen is a native of the planet Xenon, and that her only weakness may be found in the remains of her world -- a world she herself destroyed...
Create a new Rule, "Xenonite," which reads:
Enacted by Damanor (16 to 0) on 3 Mar at 15:24. +10 to Satyr Eyes, +2 to Damanor
The appearance of the Xenonite mysteriously coincides with the appearance of the Super Villain, Keitalia Malifica. Those who lurk in the shadows say that the Malice Queen is a native of the planet Xenon, and that her only weakness may be found in the remains of her world -- a world she herself destroyed...
Create a new Rule, "Xenonite," which reads:
The Super Villain's only weakness is the substance called Xenonite. Heroes may own Xenonite, and each Hero's stock of Xenonite is tracked in the GNDT; it must always be an integer no less than zero, and all Heroes begin with zero Xenonite. Any Hero adjudged responsible for averting an Emergency gains one piece of Xenonite, found at the scene of the Emergency. A Hero with six pieces of Xenonite may confront the Super Villain and dispel her vile essence using the Xenonite they have accumulated, and in so doing gains the right to Declare Victory.We can amend this later to give various perks to Good, Neutral, and Evil Heroes and such; this Proposal merely forms a foundation to build on. Comments first, please!

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