Proposal: Campaign Trail
This proposal automatically fails if Proposal: Poet Idol fails as well.
Delete the following from the rule entitled Support Network:
Add the following to the rule:
If "Proposal: The End of History?" failed, replace all instances of "Morale" with "Hats," replace all instances of "Mariner" with Player, and give Aaron 5 Hats. If this paragraph applies, enact it before the rest.
Passed by Keitalia at 13:49 GMT on 4.29.2004. +10 to Josh, +5 Aaron, +2 Keitalia.
Delete the following from the rule entitled Support Network:
A Mariner may change the Mariner they Support, at any time. In addition, Mariners may also change the chosen Support of Mariners who Support them.
If a Mariner is Supported by more than half of the Mariners, that Mariner may declare their intention to become the new Poet - a new Dynasty shall begin with them as Poet, and this Rule shall automatically be repealed.
Add the following to the rule:
Once all active Mariners have designated their support, or when 5 days from enactment has passed (whichever is sooner), the two Mariners with the highest number of supporters become Canditates, and should be marked as such in the sidebar. The Support field is then cleared and deleted.
Each Candidate must choose a running-mate and a communications officer. These are also tracked in the sidebar. The Candidate may change these at any time.
On May 10th, an election shall be held (by means of a post to the BlogNomic weblog, entitled 'Ballot Box') between the two Candidates. All active Mariners have one vote. The Candidate with the most votes by 23h59 GMT on May 10th may Ascend as the new Poet.
Candidates may make a speech at any time by paying 10 Morale and making a post enitled Speech: [title] (where [title] is the title of their choice) to the BlogNomic weblog. A Speech may talk about what the Candidate intends to do with their dynasty and what rules they intend to see implemented. Any Mariner (other than the Candidate or his Communications Officer) who replies 'Huzzah' to the speech within 6 hours gains 5 Morale. For every Mariner who replies 'Huzzah', the Candidate gains 3 Morale.
Candidates may not make Proposals, or otherwise post to the BlogNomic weblog at all, other than to make speechs or CfJs.
Communications Officer
Communications Officers may make Proposals on behalf of their Candidate. Whenever such a proposal passes, the Communications Officer's Candidate gains 10 Morale, and the opposition Candidate looses 5. A Proposal on behalf of a Candidate must be marked with a (C) in the title.
They may also hold press briefings, in which they may go into further detail about their Candidate's policies. This neither costs nor gains any Mariner Morale.
Should a Candidate go Idle during the course of a campaign, or drop to 0 Morale, the Running-Mate becomes the new Candidate, and may choose a new Running-Mate accordingly.
If "Proposal: The End of History?" failed, replace all instances of "Morale" with "Hats," replace all instances of "Mariner" with Player, and give Aaron 5 Hats. If this paragraph applies, enact it before the rest.

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