Proposal : William Shatner's HatWars
If Proposal: The End of History? passes, add a new rule, Hat Combat:
In addition, add a new text field to the GNDT, called 'Wearing,' used to track any lasting effects caused by Hat Attack or Defense methods.
Passed by Brendan, 10 to 4, at 2:14 pm GMT on 4.29.2004. +12 to Brendan.
There exist certain ancient Hat-based modes of attack and defense; these may be used to increase the relative value of one's own stock of Hats at the expense of others, or to defend one's hard-earned Hats from rapacious villains. Each time a Player makes an Attack or declares a Defense, he or she must pay the listed Cost, usually in Hats, with a post to the GNDT. Any other effects must also be posted to the GNDT.
Some methods (primarily Defenses) are Automatic, and this must be stated in the method's description. These methods are tracked in the GNDT. Once declared and paid for, these methods are considered to act by themselves as long as they are in effect, and do not require further GNDT posts to be effective. Players may be affected by multiple Automatic methods, but no Player may declare more than one Automatic method on a given Player.
As methods are devised, they should be appended to this Rule in the following format (Attacks should always be appended immediately after the last listed Attack, and Defenses should always be appended after the last listed Defense):Name of Method. Cost: X
This Attack or Defense (or Attack / Defense) method has certain effects, etc.
In addition, add a new text field to the GNDT, called 'Wearing,' used to track any lasting effects caused by Hat Attack or Defense methods.

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