Proposal: White Hats
Create a new Rule, "|_337 5|<33|_Z", which reads:
If "Mariner" is not a game term, replace it with "Clown" or "Player" (whichever is a game term) in the Rule this Proposal creates wheresoever it occurs.
Self-killed; failed by Brendan at 3:35 pm GMT on 4.29.2004. -3 to SatyrEyes, +1 to Brendan.
Each Mariner with more than 20 Hats may, not more than once every five days, make a post to the Blog declaring that he or she uses his or her "|_337 5|<33|_Z" to change a single instance of an alphabetical character in the Ruleset outside Rules 1-10 and this Rule to a distinct alphabetical character. The post must clearly describe what character in what Rule is changed, and to what other alphabetical character; the changed character is said to be "hatxx0red", and the poster is called the "hatxx0r". The hatxx0r loses 20 Hats. If the hatxx0r is an Admin, he or she should immediately change the hatxx0red character (and update Gamestate appropriately); otherwise, an Admin should do the same. All Admins lose 5 Morale if the Ruleset is not appropriately changed within 36 hours of the hatxx0r's post.
If the change in the hatxx0rred character causes the word or sentence it appears in to be mistakeable for a typographical error, it may be corrected like any other such error by any Admin, per Rule 1. The words "Mariner" and "Hat", including derived forms of these words, may not be affected by hatxx0ring; nor may any GNDT column heading or its derived forms.
If "Mariner" is not a game term, replace it with "Clown" or "Player" (whichever is a game term) in the Rule this Proposal creates wheresoever it occurs.

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