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Monday, April 26, 2004

Nice Dynasty, while it lasted.

The riot I instigated 48 hours ago has ended with a unanimous vote (9-0).

(Proposal: Chariots of Fire (Trivial))

There appears to be some sort of bug with the sidebar, so I can't access the ruleset at the moment, but as soon as I (or some other admin) can, all the rules except for 1-10 shall be repealed, and all Mariners shall be stripped of their positions (as ships, jobs, etc. won't exist anymore.)

Before any questions to the legality of this riot arise, let me point out a few things.

1) Again, I can't access the ruleset at the moment, but I believe the rule states that "a riot must contain the word 'Riot' in bold in its title," and that this is the only requirement for being a riot. You might argue that my Riot is illegal because the "riot" in my title isn't capitalized. However, there have been several precedents set for blognomic being case-insensitive. For example, there have been proposals that were enacted or failed that had "PROPOSAL" or "proposal" at the beginning of their titles, even though the rule clearly states that you must have "Proposal" at the beginning of the proposal in order for it to be legal.

2) I guess that was it.


Mariner Cayvie