Proposal: The Power to Bring Revolution to the World
As is obvious by now, the Titans are staging a full-fledged revolt against the Olympian gods who cast them down. The battle lines are being drawn…
Add to the rule “Gods”:
Add an Ailment:
Add a Rule, “Titans”:
Failed by Cayvie. -3 to SatyrEyes, +1 to Cayvie.
Add to the rule “Gods”:
Athena, Poseidon, Artemis, and Ares (if they exist) are Olympians; Prometheus, Amphitrite, Phoebe, and Menoetius (if they exist) are Titans. All other gods are neither Olympian nor Titan.
Add an Ailment:
Scarred: A Mariner with this Ailment is said to be Scarred. A Scarred Mariner cannot be inspired by Zeus, and takes only half damage when smitten by Zeus.
Add a Rule, “Titans”:
There is a statistic called Balance of Power, which is at all times equal to the number of Olympian worshippers minus the number of Titan worshippers, with Priests counting double. Various events happen when Balance of Power first becomes strictly below certain whole numbers. Such events are as follows:
Below 15:
Poseidon ceases to exist; his description in the rule “Gods” is repealed. Anyone who formerly worshipped Poseidon no longer worships a God. Amend the Rule “Jobs” to change “The Captain has a Speed of 5” to “The Captain has a Speed of 5, or 7 if at least half the Mariners on his Ship worship Titans”. Zeus smites all Titan worshippers in anger, causing them to lose 10 Morale and become Scarred, and inspires all Olympian worshippers, causing them to gain 5 Morale.
Below 5:
Artemis ceases to exist; her description in the rule “Gods” is repealed. Anyone who formerly worshipped Artemis no longer worships a God. Amend the Order “Sail” to make the phrase “the Supplies value of the ship is reduced by twice the number of Mariners aboard the Ship” read “the Supplies value of the ship is reduced by twice the number of Mariners aboard the Ship, or by the number of Mariners on the Ship if at least half the Mariners on the Ship worship Titans”. Zeus smites all Titan worshippers in anger, causing them to lose 20 Morale and become Scarred, and inspires all Olympian worshippers, causing them to gain 10 Morale.
Below -5:
Athena ceases to exist; her description in the rule “Gods” is repealed. Anyone who formerly worshipped Athena no longer worships a God. To the end of the formula in the Rule “Homesickness”, add: “However, Ships at least half of whose Mariners worship Titans are wholly immune to Homesickness, and their Mariners have no Morale deducted.” Zeus smites all Titan worshippers in anger, causing them to lose 30 Morale and become Scarred, and inspires all Olympian worshippers, causing them to gain 15 Morale.
Below -15:
Ares ceases to exist; his description in the rule “Gods” is repealed. Anyone who formerly worshipped Ares no longer worships a God. In the rule “Piracy”, to both the formula for Attack Strength and that for Defense Strength, add: “ (+ 200 if at least half the Mariners on the Ship worship Titans)”. Zeus smites all Titan worshippers in anger, causing them to lose 40 Morale and become Scarred, and inspires all Olympian worshippers, causing them to gain 20 Morale.
No change in Morale described in this rule is to be construed as a global-level or ship-level modifier.

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