Proposal: Passing the Torch
Reading the Ruleset, I find it's actually rather clear that I am, technically, still Poet. The Dynasty is over, but nowhere am I removed from Poetdom (Poetry?), and while every Dynasty must have a Poet, nowhere does it say that every Poet must have a Dynasty. This is rather neat, as it gives me the ability to veto stuff one last time, which I'll do after posting this; but I think I speak for most of us when I say, let's tidy up.
The current Poet is no longer Poet.
In Rule 7, amend the sentence "If a riot passes, the dynasty immediately ends with no haitus" to read "If a Riot passes, the Dynasty immediately ends with no Hiatus, and the Poet is no longer Poet."
Satyr Eyes, the poet, closed his book with a "humf." The story had had potential -- heroes of the Trojan War, sailing home against a backdrop of a war of titans against gods. And it had had its moments; he remembered with a smile the machinations of long-suffering Truman Capote... the unshakeable loyalty of the crew of the power-hungry yet great-hearted Captain Dunam... the contests between the great tactician Kevan and his adversary, second-sighted Keitalia... the struggle of the beleaguered Palladium to remain true to their goddess... and all the other touches over which he had labored so hard, and with such success. Yet somehow, in spite of it all, the book lacked something -- a certain oomf, a compelling narrative -- in spite of the strength of its concept. It had to be abandoned. Ah well... the concept need not go to waste. There was a young talent -- Hadrian? Horryos? -- whose work showed great promise. On his next trip to Athens Satyr Eyes would look for him in the agora and try to pique his interest with the story idea.
"Who knows," Satyr Eyes pondered, "but that someday all the world might know the name of... Hymneros?... and read his work with fascination? For myself, I shall be content with anonymity. I have other stories to write, and other worlds to explore."
With that, Satyr Eyes put the still-untitled book down upon the grass under the tree where he sat. With a relaxed sigh, he gazed around the island -- across the surrounding prarie, to the peak of Mount Neriton, and behind him into the Ionian Sea. And smiling, he reflected on the irony: that while his mariners had been sailing for Ithaca with such desperation, he, Satyr Eyes, had been there all along.
Enacted by Damanor, at 8:25 pm GMT on 28 April 2004. +10 to SatyrEyes +2 to Damanor
The current Poet is no longer Poet.
In Rule 7, amend the sentence "If a riot passes, the dynasty immediately ends with no haitus" to read "If a Riot passes, the Dynasty immediately ends with no Hiatus, and the Poet is no longer Poet."
Satyr Eyes, the poet, closed his book with a "humf." The story had had potential -- heroes of the Trojan War, sailing home against a backdrop of a war of titans against gods. And it had had its moments; he remembered with a smile the machinations of long-suffering Truman Capote... the unshakeable loyalty of the crew of the power-hungry yet great-hearted Captain Dunam... the contests between the great tactician Kevan and his adversary, second-sighted Keitalia... the struggle of the beleaguered Palladium to remain true to their goddess... and all the other touches over which he had labored so hard, and with such success. Yet somehow, in spite of it all, the book lacked something -- a certain oomf, a compelling narrative -- in spite of the strength of its concept. It had to be abandoned. Ah well... the concept need not go to waste. There was a young talent -- Hadrian? Horryos? -- whose work showed great promise. On his next trip to Athens Satyr Eyes would look for him in the agora and try to pique his interest with the story idea.
"Who knows," Satyr Eyes pondered, "but that someday all the world might know the name of... Hymneros?... and read his work with fascination? For myself, I shall be content with anonymity. I have other stories to write, and other worlds to explore."
With that, Satyr Eyes put the still-untitled book down upon the grass under the tree where he sat. With a relaxed sigh, he gazed around the island -- across the surrounding prarie, to the peak of Mount Neriton, and behind him into the Ionian Sea. And smiling, he reflected on the irony: that while his mariners had been sailing for Ithaca with such desperation, he, Satyr Eyes, had been there all along.

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