Proposal: Commodities
There exists objects known as Commodities. These Commodities are divided into different types, depending on their individual nature. Commodities of the same type can be measured in Eetchas. 1 Eetcha of a Commodity is equal to a whole lot of that Commodity.
Commodities may be freely traded among Systems through the use of a Trade Agreement. Any System may propose a Trade Agreement by posting to the Blog with a title beginning with "Trade Agreement:". The involved Systems may then debate the exact terms of the Agreement. To make the Agreement valid, one System must post a comment in the Trade Agreement post presenting the exact terms of the Agreement. All other involved Systems must subsequently reply with a comment including a FOR vote. If any of the Involved Systems reply with a comment not containing a FOR vote, the terms must be presented again if the Trade Agreement is to take effect.
A System may come into possession of Commodities only in accordance with the rules.
Commodities will be tracked in the GNDT.
Enacted by Damanor, +10 to Mal3, +5 to Damanor
Commodities may be freely traded among Systems through the use of a Trade Agreement. Any System may propose a Trade Agreement by posting to the Blog with a title beginning with "Trade Agreement:". The involved Systems may then debate the exact terms of the Agreement. To make the Agreement valid, one System must post a comment in the Trade Agreement post presenting the exact terms of the Agreement. All other involved Systems must subsequently reply with a comment including a FOR vote. If any of the Involved Systems reply with a comment not containing a FOR vote, the terms must be presented again if the Trade Agreement is to take effect.
A System may come into possession of Commodities only in accordance with the rules.
Commodities will be tracked in the GNDT.

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